The Buzz About Buzzard Day

Every year, Hinckley Ohio celebrates spring and the return of its buzzards. Also known as turkey vultures, they’ve returned to the cliffs and caverns of Whipp’s Ledges like clockwork every March 15th. The town always hosts a Buzzard Day for visitors the following Sunday with lots of pancakes. The vultures just eat dead animals!


Baby Penguin Gets the Best Name

The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium in Ohio has had a baby boom this year! They introduced five Asian small-clawed otter pups born to parents Peanut and Gus, a silvered leaf langur monkey born to parents Patty and Thai, and a Humboldt penguin chick born to parents Katja and Hans. She’s named Her Majesty Gertrude Sprinklebottom!


Heart of Brown Sugar

Today is National Blonde Brownie Day. Also known as blondies, they use a recipe similar to brownies, but replace the cocoa with brown sugar. White chocolate, butterscotch chips, or nuts are also commonly added. The treat was invented in Upper Sandusky Ohio. Listen to Blondie while enjoying a blondie today!
