Try-Outs Were Last Fall

The swim team at a school in Florida, had to take a break, when they found a visitor in the pool. It was a 3-foot-long alligator! Sheriff’s deputies removed the gator and took it to the nearby Lake Apopka, where it was released on its own recognizance. Maybe it wanted to join the team.

Quit Changing the Time

If you hated losing an hour of sleep, because of Daylight Saving Time, here’s some good news for you. The United States Senate, just passed the Sunshine Protection Act. The bill would make Daylight Saving Time permanent, meaning no more time changes! The House of Representatives will vote on it next.

Playful Pandas

Today is Panda Day, celebrating the lovable black and white fur-balls. The endangered giant panda lives in China, and has a boring diet. They eat bamboo, for up to 14 hours a day! They only weigh 4 ounces at birth, but grow to be 350 pounds. Instead of hibernating like other bears, pandas play in the snow!

The Saint Who Never Existed

Every year, a parade is cancelled, for Saint Urho of Finland’s Day. Saint Urho drank sour whole milk and ate fish soup to gain the power of a loud voice, and used it to cast the frogs and grasshoppers out of Finland. Finnish-Americans made him up, in the 19 50s. Wear purple and green today!

Chocolate Lip Balm

Yesterday was Everything You Think is Wrong Day. Today, is Everything You Do Is Right Day! Whether you put mustard on your pizza, or wear your socks in the shower, you’re still right. It’s also Lips Appreciation Day, so give them some moisturizing lip balm, and use them to smile!

Quick Potato Prep

How fast can you put a Mr Potato Head together? 13-year-old Matilda Walden, can assemble one in 5.69 seconds, which is a new world record. One of her speed tricks, is joining the nose and mustache together, while picking them up one-handed. Next, she might try breaking the blindfolded record, of 14.9 seconds.

Riding in Style

Have you ever seen a tricycle, with a couch? A group called Cycling Without Age, has special trikes with a built-in sofa, to take the elderly for a ride in comfort. Volunteers around the world pedal the trishaws, giving people who can’t use a bike by themselves, a chance to enjoy a lovely ride.

Big Birds in the Sky

Each spring, buzzards show up in Hinckley Ohio. The turkey vultures have returned to the cliffs and caverns of Whipp’s Ledges like clockwork every March 15th. Everyone in town loves watching for them on Buzzard Day! Vultures eat dead animals, so look for them along roadsides. They also soar in circles in the sky.

That Was the Wrong Speech

Some people think they know everything. They won’t appreciate Everything You Think Is Wrong Day! Leave decision-making for another day, since whatever you choose will be wrong. It’s also World Speech Day. Make awards for everyone in your family, then take turns giving acceptance speeches! Don’t forget to clap and cheer them on!

No Need to Fear the Middle of the Month

Beware the Ides of March. That’s today! But unless you’re Julius Caesar, you’re safe. Julius Caesar was a Roman leader, who was assassinated March 15th, in 44 BC. That line is from a play by William Shakespeare, when a soothsayer was warning Caesar that his life was in danger. It’s fun to say it ominously!

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