Make the Menorah

The first LEGO store in Israel, which opened earlier this year, celebrated the beginning of Hanukkah last night with the world’s biggest Lego menorah. Hundreds of children helped build the giant candelabra, using 136,000 Lego bricks. It’s more than 14 feet tall. Don’t worry, the candles and flames are also made of Lego.

Waves of Power

A new power station in Turkey, will harness the power of the sea. It will be the country’s first tidal energy station, connected to the electrical grid. Machines that look like piers, jut into the water, where the motion from waves, turns into electricity on land. It’s an unending source of clean energy.

Travel With Treats

Did you know that onions and garlic, can make your dog or cat sick? So can chocolate, grapes, and even bread. Fatty foods are also dangerous. If you have visitors, or if you are visiting someone else with pets, don’t take any chances. Everyone should keep the people-food to themselves, even when pets beg.

Green Trees and Hard Candy

Today is Hard Candy Day! Most hard candy is made by boiling sugar syrup, adding flavorings, then pouring it into molds to cool and harden. The first lemon and peppermint candies were prescribed for stomach ailments. It’s also Look For An Evergreen Day. Evergreen plants like pine trees, holly, and bamboo, stay green all year!

No Need For a Cereal Bowl

You know what’s great, when you’re running late? Oatmeal muffins! It’s Oatmeal Muffin Day, so bake your breakfast into a tasty and convenient package. Add fruit, like bananas, raisins, or blueberries, if you want to make it even tastier. You could also add cinnamon, nuts, chocolate chips, or maybe even salsa!

Let’s Play Dreidel

Tonight at sundown, Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, begins. The Jewish holiday commemorates an ancient miracle in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. A one-day supply of oil lit a menorah, which is a type of candelabra, for 8 days. Hanukkah is celebrated for 8 days by lighting the menorah to prayers, songs, food, gifts and games.

You Were the Best Womb-mate

Raise your hand, if you’re a twin. Today is especially for you and your sibling, because it’s National Twin Day. Identical twins look almost exactly alike, but fraternal twins can even be a boy and a girl. Twins are lucky, because they got to be roommates before they were born! High-five your twin!

It’s Cookie Time!

Today is Bake Cookies Day! I’ll tell you my favorite recipe, for peanut butter cookies. Mix one cup of sugar, and one cup of peanut butter, with one egg. Press balls of dough with a fork, to make a criss-cross pattern. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, for 10 minutes! Don’t forget to save some for me!

Porch Pirates Pilfer Poopy Packages

People who steal packages from other people’s porches, sometimes get what they deserve. YouTuber Tom Mabe’s packages kept getting stolen, so he built a bait box. The fake package was filled with poop, and set to explode 40 seconds after it was moved. He recorded the thief throwing the box from his poop-splattered car!

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