Never Release Aquarium Fish into the Wild

Mysterious holes have been appearing, in Florida’s freshwater riverbanks. Wildlife officials investigated, and found the holes were made by catfish. Sailfin catfish, also known as plecos, use the burrows for nesting sites to protect their young. Unfortunately, plecos are an invasive species, and the catfish condos destabilize banks and disrupt ecosystems.

Wombat Is a Fun Word to Say, Isn’t It?

Today is World Wombat Day, celebrating one of Australia’s wonderful animals. Wombats are marsupials that look kind of like groundhogs. They’re about 3 1/2 feet long, and have a backwards-facing pouch, so it doesn’t fill with dirt as they dig underground. The coolest thing is, wombats have square poop! The cubes stack up nicely.

A Good Day for Doggies

What’s your dog’s favorite thing to do? It’s Make A Dog’s Day, so take your doggo on a nice long walk, play fetch with the neighbor’s dog, or make a dog’s whole life, by adopting one from a shelter! Don’t forget to pick up the poop. Nobody wants to step in that stuff.


Today is Color Day! Wear your most colorful clothes, use your red pen, and eat colorful fruits and vegetables! It’s also Nut Day, so grab a handful of almonds or walnuts to much on. Then celebrate CAPS LOCK DAY, by using all uppercase letters while typing, for TODAY ONLY. It looks like you’re yelling.

Take Your Time

Today is International Stuttering Awareness Day. The speech disorder makes it difficult, to speak the words you want to say. Many famous people have overcome stuttering, like President Joe Biden, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Emperor Claudius, Marilyn Monroe, and James Earl Jones, the voice of Darth Vader! It’s hard work, but you’ll succeed!

Artic Fox Found Far from the Arctic

Earlier this month, animal rescuers captured an Arctic fox in Oregon. The animal was a long way from its native habitat far north, and didn’t seem to be too afraid of people, so they suspect the fox escaped from illegal captivity. The fox was a little thin and dehydrated, but otherwise healthy.

Some Buttons Are Shaped Like Apples

How many buttons do you have on your clothes? Today is Count Your Buttons Day, so make sure they’re all firmly attached! Eat a delicious apple while you count, because it’s Apple Day! It’s also Reptile Awareness Day. Do lizards, snakes, alligators, or turtles live around your house? Be nice to them!

Clean and Comfortable

Today is International Adjust Your Chair Day. Whether it’s an armchair that needs a fluffy pillow, an office chair that’s too high or low, or a chair at school with a wobbly leg, making your chair comfortable helps you focus. Start with organizing your icons, for Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day.

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