Tracking an Eel’s Migration

For the first time ever, scientists have followed the migration of European eels, to their breeding grounds in the Sargasso Sea. European eels travel 3- to 6,000 miles, to spawn at sea. The larvae then drift back into rivers. Using satellite tags, scientists found eels sometimes travel deeper than 3,000 feet, during their journey.

Everyone Deserves Dignity

People all over the world, are celebrating Global Dignity Day. Every individual deserves equal worth and respect. Global Dignity Day encourages compassion, kindness, understanding, and tolerance. Start at home, by learning to tolerate your own brothers and sisters. Think of the things that unite all humans, like laughter. We’re more alike than we know.

Happy Rainforest Day!

Rainforests are home to countless species of plants, animals, and insects, as well as an important source of oxygen. The Amazon, a tropical rainforest, supplies 20% of the world’s oxygen, and holds a fifth of the world’s freshwater. North America has temperate rainforests, stretching from California’s Redwood forest, up through British Columbia to Alaska.

No, You Can’t Have a Pet Hagfish

The hagfish is amazingly disgusting. Sometimes called the slime eel, the hagfish has no skull or jaws. It escapes predators by releasing up to 5 gallons of slime, clogging the attacker’s gills with mucous. It eats dead animals by crawling in through their mouth and eating the carcass from the inside out. Happy Hagfish Day!

Beware of Hot Wax

David Rush, who holds nearly 250 world records, broke the record for holding the most lit candles in his mouth. He held 150 burning candles clamped between his teeth, for 30 seconds. Luckily, they were longer than birthday candles, because they made a huge flame. It’s a good thing he wore eye protection!

Blobs On the Beach

A stretch of coastline in North Carolina, has been nicknamed the jellyfish jamboree. Thousands of cannonball jellyfish washed ashore, covering the beach with stingerless blobs. Cannonball jellyfish love to eat the larvae of red drum fish, which are spawning in the area. Currents may have pulled many to shore, while they were snacking.

Isaac’s Friends Don’t Go Hungry

11-year-old Isaac Winfield, used to take groceries to school, for food drives. During the pandemic, he used his birthday money, to start the Friends of Isaac’s Food Bank in England. His parents help him deliver food to those in need, and they also opened a 24-hour food-shed in their driveway.

Rare Chameleons Hatch in UK

The world’s largest chameleons are Parson’s chameleons, reaching more than 2 feet long. The eggs take 2 years to hatch, and for the first time, it’s happening at a British zoo. Chester Zoo has a clutch of 27 Parson’s chameleon eggs, and 10 little lizards, less than 1 inch long, have hatched so far.

Ditch the Beards

If you see some of your favorite bearded people looking less hairy today, it might be because it’s No Beard Day. Imagine Gandalf, Hagrid, or Santa Claus without beards! At least they wouldn’t get chocolatey beards, for Chocolate Cupcake Day! Do you bite into a cupcake, or lick the frosting off first?

Watch Out for Wallabies

Motorcycle racing can be dangerous, even when there are no obstacles. But motorcyclists practicing for the Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix, had the added danger of avoiding wallabies, which look like small kangaroos. Twice, there were near misses, as a wallaby crossed the track in front of racers traveling 135 miles-per-hour. Those were close calls!

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