Don’t Try This At Home

Professional eater Joey Chestnut, would go broke at a movie theater. He just set a world record, by eating 32 servings of popcorn, in 8 minutes. Each serving was in a 24 ounce box, but he dumped it in a bowl to grab by the handful, and washed the popcorn down with water.

A Moon Only 3 Miles Wide

Astronomers may have found, the smallest moon ever. Scientists working on NASA’s Lucy mission, to study the space rocks near Jupiter, spotted the mini-moon orbiting one of the Trojan asteroids. The small asteroid, named Polymele, appears to have a tiny satellite revolving around it. The Lucy probe will know more as it gets closer.

Happy Park Service Founders Day

On August 25th 19 16, the United States National Park Service was formed. Everyone can help protect the National Parks. One kid returned a rock, with an apology for taking it from the Smokey Mountains. Park rangers thanked her for understanding, that if all visitors took a souvenir, 11,000,000 rocks would disappear every year!

New-to-You Clothing

When you outgrow your clothes, don’t just throw them in the trash. You can sell them, donate them to charity, or give them to younger friends and family. By shopping for secondhand clothes, you save money, and help the Earth by recycling. Give vintage clothes a chance, for Secondhand Wardrobe Day! You’ll look fabulous!

Sweet Banana Treat

Today is Banana Split Day, so here’s what you need to do. Scoop 3 flavors of ice cream into your bowl, slice a banana lengthwise and put half on each side, then add chocolate, pineapple, and strawberry sauces, whipped cream, nuts, and a cherry. Now eat it all up! The banana makes it healthy!

A Fawn Hello

The British Zoo has a dear new baby. I mean a new deer baby! Their Philippine spotted deer couple, Belle and Neil, are parents to a cute little fawn. Philippine spotted deer, also known as Alfred’s deer, are one of the most endangered species of deer in the world, so everyone’s very excited.

Meep Meep

Wile E Coyote missed his chance, to capture the Road Runner. A road runner had gotten tangled in trash, that was stuck in a bush on the roadside. The North Las Vegas police, and Animal Protection Services rescued the bird, and released the uninjured animal back into the wild.

Preserved in Ice

A glacier archaeology team, discovered a perfectly preserved arrow last week in Norway. The arrow, which was embedded in ice, is around 1500 years old. Rising temperatures are causing glaciers to melt, exposing artifacts that have been frozen for thousands of years. Glaciers are an archaeological gold mine of ancient objects.

Pluto Still Rocks

On Pluto Demoted Day, we remember when Pluto was officially downgraded in 2006. Its status was changed to dwarf planet. Now the 8 planets in our Solar System are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, while the 5 known dwarf planets are Pluto, Ceres, Makemake, Haumea, and Eris. We still love you Pluto!

Sound Eruptions

Today is Vesuvius Day. Mount Vesuvius is the volcano in Italy, that destroyed Pompeii in 79 AD. Create your own volcano and make it erupt, while listening to unusual music for International Strange Music Day! You can make music from anything. Today is also Waffle Day. What’s your favorite flavor, blueberry or chocolate chip?

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