Quackers in the Library

When the University of Nottingham’s library opened its doors on a hot day, they weren’t expecting a family of ducks to waddle in! A mother duck and her 5 ducklings wandered in, looked around the library, then were escorted back out to their pond. Maybe they couldn’t find any books written in Duck.

I Want an Iguana

Did you know iguanas grow 7 feet long? In the wild, they usually live in tropical areas. That’s why frozen iguanas sometimes fall out of the trees, when it gets cold in Florida! If you’re thinking about getting a pet iguana, remember they need lots of space and special care. Happy Iguana Awareness Day.

A Snack for Your Trek

Today is Star Trek Day! Watch your favorite Star Trek series, and work on your Vulcan salute. Live long and prosper. It’s also Date Nut Bread Day, which is a delicious way to eat fruits, nuts, and grains, in one bite. Finally, learn to write that squiggly symbol that means “and,” for Ampersand Day.

Whale Gets a New Toy

A paddleboarder in Argentina, must have looked like a new toy, to a whale. A drone captured video of a huge southern right whale swimming around a paddleboard, then giving it a push with its fin. The rider got the best whale-watching experience ever, and the whale got to make a new friend.

Everyone Loves to Hear Nice Things

Kimberly Wybenga knows that sometimes, people need a kind word to cheer them up, especially during the pandemic. She bought little jars, wrote compliments on pieces of paper, and stuck them in the jars. She’s delivered her small packages of hope to 1,750 people. Make a jar of compliments today, for someone you know.

Singing in the Bathroom Pays Off

A plumber installing a bathroom in England, finished the job with a record deal. Kev Crane would sing along with the radio while working on the remodeling project. The owner of the house, Paul Conneally, also owns New Reality Records. After hearing Kev’s singing, Paul offered him a recording contract.

Shana Tova

Today is Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. On the Hebrew calendar, it’s the year 5782! The celebration started at sundown on September 6th, and lasts for 2 days. It’s traditional to blow a ram’s horn, or shofar, in the morning, as well as to eat pomegranates, challah bread, and apples dipped in honey.

Superhumans Find a Way

Did you grow any squash in your garden this summer? Today is Acorn Squash Day, so bake one for dinner. Don’t forget to save some seeds for next year. It’s also Superhuman Day, which celebrates all the people who have disabilities, and the challenges they face in daily life. They’re an inspiration for everyone!

Incredible Indigenous Engineers

Researchers have been studying piles of earth in Poverty Point Louisiana. 3700 years ago, Native Americans built the huge mounds within weeks, by moving and layering millions of cubic feet, of different types of soil. The ancient Indigenous community’s remarkable feat of engineering, created a nearly indestructible structure. Modern engineers still can’t do that!

Percy and Ingenuity Make a Great Team

When NASA sent the Perseverance rover to Mars, the Ingenuity helicopter went along with it. Scientists were overjoyed, when the drone flew successfully on the planet. They were hopeful that it could fly 5 times, but Ingenuity has surprised everyone by making 12 flights so far. The tiny helicopter scouts the way, for Perseverance.

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