Mosquito-Eating Machines

Tonight is International Bat Night. Watch bats swoop around, eating insects. Did you know they can eat 1000 mosquitoes per hour? Some types of bats eat fruit, like the giant golden-crowned flying fox. It has a wingspan of 5 1/2 feet! Bats are also pollinators, like bees and butterflies. Bats are amazing!

ThE Water Feels Great!

A dolphin got a helping hand, after getting stuck on a beach in Ireland. Beach goers noticed the Risso’s dolphin stranded on the sand, and called a marine rescue team. The rescuers cleaned seaweed off the dolphin, and used a sling to carry it back into the ocean, to rejoin its family.

Assemble Your Own Electricity

IKEA is well-known for selling furniture and other home accessories. Now they’re also selling electricity. IKEA owns wind turbines and solar parks around the world, and people who live in Sweden, can buy wind and solar energy from them. Customers who bought solar panels from IKEA, can also sell extra electricity back to them.

Little Man, Big Feat

5-year-old Harvey Sutton, took a little walk in the woods, with his parents. They hiked the entire Appalachian Trail, which is 2100 miles long, and stretches through 14 states. The Suttons started their 209-day trek when Harvey was only 4, and he became known as Little Man. His next big adventure, is kindergarten!

Equal Rights for Women

Today is Women’s Equality Day, marking the date women gained the right to vote, in the United States. The 19th Amendment was added to the Constitution, in 19 20. Women had been fighting for suffrage, or the right to vote, for 72 years. Women still fight for equality in many countries.

Wanna Go For a Walk?

Today is Toilet Paper Day. Before TP was invented, people used corn husks, rags, stones, or whatever else was handy to wipe themselves! You know who doesn’t need toilet paper? Dogs! Today is also Dog Day, so pamper your poochie, or play with a friend’s dog, or pretend  that you’re a dog! Fetch!

Perfect House for Treehuggers

There’s an awesome treehouse for sale, in Gulfport Florida. It’s actually more of a house, with a tree in it. The house has a huge oak tree that’s hundreds of years old, growing right through the kitchen. The owner believes it’s the perfect house for the city, whose motto is, “Keep Gulfport Weird.”

A Tough Egg to Crack

A farmer in China, always saves any strange rocks found in his field. When scientists looked at his collection, they found a fossilized egg among the treasures. The egg had been laid by a giant prehistoric turtle, over 66,000,000 years ago. Using micro-computed tomography, they could see the fossilized turtle embryo inside.

No Charging Cable Needed

Electric vehicles are growing more popular, and a German company has figured out a way, to make them more efficient. They developed a wireless charging road. Electrified wire coils, are buried in the concrete. They create a magnetic field on the road’s surface, so electric cars get recharged as they drive along.

Vintage Clothes Rock

When you outgrow your clothes, don’t just throw them in the trash. You can sell them, donate them to charity, or give them to younger friends and family. By shopping for secondhand clothes, you save money, and help the Earth by recycling. Give vintage clothes a chance, for Secondhand Wardrobe Day! You’ll look fabulous!

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