Ingenuity Preparing for Historic Flight

The first helicopter on Mars, is getting ready for its first flight. NASA’s Ingenuity drone was hanging out on the belly of the Perseverance rover, which arrived on Mars in February, but has now successfully dropped, to the surface of the Red Planet. The helicopter’s first flight could happen April 11th.

The Sauce Sits on Top

Using a map app on your phone is handy. It tells you exactly where to turn. But today, on Read A Road Map Day, unfold a paper map, to get a bigger picture and see exactly where everything is. Use it to find a pizza place, for Deep Dish Pizza Day.

nuqDaq ‘oH puchpa’’e’

In the Star Trek Universe in 2063, Zefram Cochrane took his first flight at speeds faster than Warp 1, in the Phoenix. It alerted the Vulcans of Earth’s entrance into the interstellar community. Today is Star Trek First Contact Day. Watch some episodes of Star Trek, learn a little Klingon, and live long and prosper!

A Tooth With Deep Roots

Kids lose their baby teeth all the time, but they’re usually pretty small. 8-year-old Luke Boulton’s tooth had to be pulled, and was an astounding 1.02 inches long! His sister Leah, said it might be the longest baby tooth in the world, and she was right. I wonder if the Tooth Fairy is jealous!

Tiny Slimy Squid Eggs

A few years ago, divers near Norway discovered a 3-foot-wide gelatinous blob, suspended underwater. Similar unexplained blobs had been seen before around Norway, and also in the Mediterranean Sea. Scientists have finally identified the bubbles as egg sacs of the Illex coindetii squid. The mucus-filled spheres hold hundreds of thousands of squid eggs!

What Kind of Rock Is That?

What’s your favorite kind of rock? If you answered igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic, you know your geology! Today is Geologists’ Day, so go rock-hounding, and try to identify what you find. Bring along some oranges, strawberries, and brussels sprouts for a snack, since it’s also Vitamin C Day. They’re good for your health.

Rats Walking Around With Carrots

See that rat eating a carrot? Walk around it! See that school library? Walk around it! And while you’re at it, write your school librarian a thank-you-note, because it’s School Librarian Day. It’s International Carrot Day, World Rat Day, and Walk Around Things Day too! Don’t run into anything.

A Day for Celebrations

Happy Easter! Today Christians celebrate the resurrection, when Jesus Christ rose from the dead almost 2000 years ago. New life and Spring are represented by Easter bunnies, and colored eggs! It’s also the end of Passover, celebrated last week by Jews. The festival commemorates when the Israelites were freed from slavery, more than 3000 years ago.

Underwater Mysteries

71% of the Earth is covered in water, and it’s full of animals. There are over 220,000 aquatic species that have been identified, but there could be 2,000,000 more that know nothing about. Today, on World Aquatic Animal Day, dream about all the unknown animals that humans have never seen, living deep in the ocean.

Go Outside and Play

Today, like the first Saturday of every month, is Play Outside Day. Maybe while you’re outside, someone will make you a delicious dessert, since it’s also Chocolate Mousse Day. You can suggest an easy recipe of the light, chocolatey dessert, that uses only heavy cream and chocolate. Good luck getting someone to make it!

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