School Is for Kids, Right?

Some very hairy kids showed up at Morningside Elementary School last week. They were a couple of goats! The goats had wandered into the school, after escaping from a nearby property. They were escorted back home. The human kids, could use a perfect excuse that day, and say “A goat ate my homework.”

Sweet Employment Opportunity

What do you want to be, when you grow up? Perhaps you’d like to be a candyologist! A Canadian company called Candy Funhouse, is hiring candyologists to taste-test their confections. They’ll pay people $30-per-hour, to sample and review some of their 3000 delicious treats from home. Sounds like the perfect job.

Smile and Say “Cheese”

Did you know there’s a crater on Mars, that looks like a happy face? The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiRISE camera, took photos at different times over the years. The blobby areas that look like eyes, a nose, and a smiley mouth, are all growing, due to thermal erosion. Mars is happier than ever!

Compliments Make People Feel Happy

Today is Compliment Day. A compliment is when you say something nice to someone. You could tell them you like their shirt, or that they’re really good at soccer. Give your compliments to the chef after your next meal, or make a stranger’s day by telling them they have a nice smile. It’s easy!

Peanut Butter Mining

Today is Talk Like A Grizzled Prospector Day. Pretend you’ve found a hunk of gold, in the 18 48 California Gold Rush! Your impression might make people laugh, for Belly Laugh Day! After all that prospectin’ and laughin’, you’ll need a hearty snack. It’s Peanut Butter Day, so dig into a jar, with a celery shovel!

Me Want Cookies!

A geode is a rock with a hollow cavity, filled with crystals. Miners in Uruguay recently found a heart-shaped geode, filled with purple amethyst crystals. Now, a geologist has found another incredible geode in Brazil. The blue agate and crystals form a face, that looks just like the smiling, googly-eyed Cookie Monster!

Your Body Deserves a Raise

While you’re sitting around doing nothing, your body is hard at work. It’s making 3.8 million cells, every second! Your blood cells are constantly dying, and being replaced with new ones. So are the cells in your gut, and your skin. Feed your body healthy foods, so it has the energy to produce 330,000,000,000 cells-per-day.

Bernie Sits Here

If you look at any social media today, you’ll probably see an old guy looking cold, sitting everywhere. That’s Bernie Sanders, a US Senator from Vermont. He wore his favorite coat and mittens to the Presidential Inauguration, and people love his comfortable style. His mittens were handmade, from re-purposed wool sweaters and recycled plastic!

Eat All the Pies

March 14th is Pi Day, spelled P-I, which is a mathematical term. Today however, is Pie Day, spelled P-I-E, which is a delicious food term. Eat everything in a flaky crust today! Have quiche, pumpkin pie, pot pie, lemon meringue pie, shepherd’s pie, apple pie, cherry-blueberry-chocolate cream-strawberry rhubarb pie-pie-pie!

Practice Your Footwriting

How big are your feet? You might know what size you wear, but I bet you don’t know how many centimeters long they are! Today is Measure Your Feet Day, so find the square footage of your foot! It’s also Handwriting Day. Try to write everything by hand today instead of typing it!

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