Ultima Thule, I See You!

The New Horizons probe sent NASA some awesome images of Pluto. Now it’s flying through the Kuiper Belt, 3.7 billion miles away. It was in hibernation mode since December to save resources, but the probe is awake again, and preparing to take pictures of Ultima Thule. Ultima will be the farthest planetary encounter ever!


Pitter Patter of Ancient Footsteps

Footprints made by a small, ancient creature with pairs of legs, were discovered in a fossil preserve in China. They may be the oldest prints ever found, at 550 million years old! The tiny trackways in the Dengying Formation are the first evidence that bilaterian animals, or animals that have bilateral symmetry, existed before the Cambrian Period.


Space-Age Underwear

A Danish clothing company named Organic Basics is making underwear that you’ll never have to replace. In fact, you won’t even need to wash them! They are infused with silver chloride, which kills bacteria. Since bacteria is what causes clothes to smell, your expensive high-tech underwear will never stink!


VCR: Video Cassettes Rock!

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Hooray, it’s National Chocolate Ice Cream Day! While you enjoy your frozen dairy treat, why not watch a movie on video cassette tape? It’s National VCR Day, and someone you know must still have their video cassette recorder! Remember to please be kind and rewind!



Lots of vegetables get wasted because they don’t look perfect enough to make it to supermarket shelves. Broccoli powder can avoid that! Broccoli is ground and dried to a fine powder, that can then be added to other foods. In Australia, they’ve added it to coffee! That ought to give you an energy boost!


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