Don’t Give the Gift of Viruses

The holidays are coming, bringing more people together inside. Remember to stay safe from COVID, by washing your hands often with soap, and using hand sanitizer. It can protect you from colds and the flu as well. Wearing a mask indoors, also helps. Most importantly, get your COVID booster and flu vaccines.

Lifelike Sculpture Fools Everyone

Last week in London England, people got worried about a woman in an art gallery. The building was locked, and the woman, sitting with her head down on a table, hadn’t moved in hours. Police broke into the gallery to help her, and discovered she was just a sculpture, by artist Mark Jenkins.

Fly to the Store for Maple Syrup

Today is Wright Brothers Day. Orville and Wilbur Wright made the first flight in a mechanically propelled airplane, near Kitty Hawk North Carolina, in 1903. That flight only lasted 12 seconds, and went 120 feet. The wingspan of a 747 is longer than that! It’s also Maple Syrup Day. Boiled tree sap sure does taste delicious!

OK, What’s My Next Life Goal?

An 8-year-old boy in Colorado, has become the youngest person to ski on all 7 continents. Maddock Lipp crossed the last continent, Antarctica, off his list earlier this month. His older sister, Keira, finished skiing all the continents last February. Their family must really love to travel, and ski!

Bear Appreciates Home Delivery

If you order food for delivery, make sure you keep watch for when it arrives. A man in Florida learned that lesson, after a hungry bear stole his order from the porch. The big black bear took the bag full of chicken nuggets and fries, but he left the bag containing a salad untouched.

Porcupine Needs a Better Diet

An unusual guest, will be spending the winter at the Northern Lights Animal Sanctuary, in Canada. The prickly fellow is a rare albino porcupine, that was caught chewing through electric cables on someone’s property. They named the all-white porcupine Coconut, and will release him in the spring after a safe and cozy winter.

Chocolate Covered Broccoli

What are you eating for breakfast? Cover it in chocolate! Are you having a peanut butter sandwich for lunch? Dip it in chocolate! How about spaghetti for dinner, with chocolate syrup for sauce! Today is Chocolate Covered Anything Day, so it’s your chance to see if chocolate covered brussel sprouts are gross, or delicious!

I Love Your Ugly Sweater

Quick, find your most hideous Christmas sweater. It’s Ugly Christmas Sweater Day! You can buy sweaters with a dinosaur under a disco ball, a UFO with flashing lights, dancing cats, or even Darth Vader in a Santa hat! Or decorate your own sweater by adding ornaments or cotton for snow. Or a mirror, ha-ha.

So Hungry I Could Eat a Wall

A project called Fabula Inc, is reducing food waste, by turning unwanted food into cement. Used foods like coffee grounds, banana peels, onion skins, or corn cobs, are dried and ground into powder, and pressed into molds. The cement might become a building or a plate, and it’s still edible in an emergency.

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