Maybe Sad Clown’s Puppy Was Sick

Have you ever heard of Emmett Kelly? Born in 1898, he was one of the first sad-faced clowns, named Weary Willie. Celebrate Weary Willie Day, by painting your face like a clown, superhero, or animal. It’s also the International Day of Veterinary Medicine. A gigantic thank you, to the vets who care for our pets!

Retrace Your Steps

Are you missing any mittens? Is your hat in hiding? Today is Lost And Found Day, so try and track down all your missing items. Check the Lost and Found box at school or work, for your belongings. Clean under your bed, and you may find lost socks, library books, or spare change!

Techno Pies

It’s World Techno Day! Techno is electronic dance music with a strong beat. Get some glow sticks and party lights, turn up the music, and have a techno dance party! It’s also Pastry Day, so eat some cakes and pies. After all, you need to keep up your energy, to continue dancing all day!

A Cold Night for a Hot Shower

For a couple of weeks in December, the Geminids meteor showers are visible in the night sky. The meteors appear near the constellation Gemini, created from particles of the asteroid 3200 Phaethon. The best night to see the Geminids will be next Tuesday, but you can look for some every night.

I Sound Better Than I Thought

3D printers, may help create new musicians, by making violins. The AVIVA Young Artists Program, is using 3D-printed violins, to give students the experience of playing on a well-made instrument. Their beautiful sounds resemble violins that cost thousands of dollars, even though they’re made from plastic. Practicing is more enjoyable, on a good instrument.

Your Face Is a City

Did you know, you have tiny creatures living on your face? Microscopic mites, called demodex, live in everyone’s hair follicles. They eat skin cells and oils, and throw it back up as waste, since they don’t poop. They lay eggs, and complete their whole life cycle, right in your eyelash follicles. Isn’t that neat?

Visit the Inventor of Brownies

Today is Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day. If you could visit any period in time, would you go to the past, or the future? Pretend you went to prehistoric times, and eat like a caveman! But before you go time traveling, celebrate Brownie Day, just in case brownies weren’t invented yet.

Hang Up Your Shirts

Do you ever complain about hanging up your clothes? Stop whining, because it hardly takes any time at all. David Rush, who holds more than 250 world records, set a clothes-hanging record. He hung 5 t-shirts on hangers, in 16.78 seconds. Do you think you can beat his record? Try it next laundry day.

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