Treasure Beneath the Trees

Salman al-Nabahin and his son, were planting olive trees in Gaza, when they discovered an enormous ancient mosaic under the dirt. The tiled floor, covered with pictures of birds and other animals, probably dates back to the Byzantine Empire. It could be 1000 years old! Salman says the treasure belongs to every Palestinian.

All the Purrs Without the Fur

Are you stressed out? Maybe a kitty cat’s purr, will comfort you. A website called, spelled p-u-r-r-l-i, lets visitors hear a purring cat. You can use sliders to change the purr from playful to sleepy, or add meows-per-minute. Your cat might also enjoy listening to the soothing purrs.

Big Burly Brown Bear

Katmai National Park’s “fattest bear” competition, has a winner. This year, the public voted for 7 4 7. The “Earl of Avoirdupois”, with his “voluminous visage”, is the most “lardaceous leviathan.” The estimated 1400-pound bear has time to pack on a few more pounds, before going into hibernation, and sleeping off his celebration.

Can You See the M&M On the Shell?

Today is World Sight Day. You should visit the eye doctor once a year. Seeing clearly is the best, and you might need glasses to see better. Do you have trouble reading up close? You could be farsighted. It’s also M&M Day, so make sure you’re eating the chocolate candies, and not Skittles!

Exercise In Your Mind

Today is Train Your Brain Day. Everyone knows exercise helps to keep your body healthy, but brains need exercise too! Try doing sudoku or crossword puzzles, solving brainteasers, playing trivia games, or learning to say hello in every language. Your brain gets bored when you don’t use it. Entertain your brain!

More Like a Hill Lion

Iowa is not known for its mountains. The state’s highest peak is only 1,670 feet. But recently, people have reported seeing a mountain lion in Iowa. They rarely attack humans, so if you are lucky enough to spot one, take a picture and enjoy your wildlife encounter with a big cat.

Stop the Bullying

Today is Stop Bullying Day. Think really hard about yourself. Are you ever a bully? Bullying is more than beating someone up, or taking their lunch money. It can look like making fun of people, purposely leaving someone out, or saying things about someone online. Stick up for others, and don’t be a bully.

Learning to Save

What do you like to collect? You might save interesting rocks, Pokemon cards, Barbie dolls, or Lego sets. You’ve already learned the first step, for Savings Day! Decorate a can or box if you don’t already have a piggy bank, then start collecting spare change. Count it every month, and watch your savings grow!

Fun With Fossils

The US National Park Service is celebrating National Fossil Day today at many of their parks. Fossils are prehistoric plants or animals, petrified and preserved in stone. Paleontologists study fossils, like dinosaur bones! You can download a Junior Paleontologist Activity Booklet online, to help you celebrate. Do you have any fossils?

Lunch With Your Bear-ents

Today is Bring Your Teddy Bear To Work & School Day! Maybe your teddy will learn something new, and he’ll for sure make everyone smile! On your lunch break, be sure to eat with your parents, for Take Your Parents To Lunch Day. Your teddy bears can bring their parents too. Time for a picnic!

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