Bear Cubs Get Hungry Too

A man in California was sitting in the car with his dog, eating a sandwich. They noticed 3 bear cubs nearby, and soon realized the cubs approaching them. The bears must have smelled his yummy sandwich, because they opened his car door, twice. He got it closed before they could steal his snack.

Stitch It All Together

Do you have a favorite cozy quilt? Take a close look, at all the different fabrics, and the patterns in the tiny stitches. It’s Quilting Day, so maybe it’s time for you to start your own quilting project. Some people make quilts, from their old favorite T-shirts, creating a patchwork of memories.

You Have the Best Laugh

Today is Let’s Laugh Day. Laughter is contagious. Sometimes just watching somebody laugh uncontrollably, will make you laugh also, and before you know it, everybody is cracking up! Then everyone feels better, and has a smile on their faces. A laughing baby is especially hard to resist. L-O-L for real today.

Sticky Sweets

Today is Maple Syrup Saturday, which begins Maple Weekend at many parks. Visit a sugar shack, and see how sap from a tree, becomes syrup for your pancakes. If that’s not enough sticky goodness for you, it’s also Chocolate Caramel Day. Maple caramels dipped in chocolate, sound amazing. Who else wants some!

This Is for the Birds

Today is Backyard Day. Celebrate it, by having a picnic or playing games in your yard. If you don’t have your own backyard, go to a park, which is a public backyard for everyone! Some people even keep poultry, like chickens or ducks in their yard. It’s also Poultry Day, so they’re all set.

Anything Good to Eat In Here?

When a woman in Australia heard a glass break in her kitchen, she called the police, thinking there was a burglar in the house. In fact, it was just a sneaky snake. An adolescent carpet python, was slithering around in her pantry. She called Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers, to safely relocate the snake.

That’s a Lot of Good Luck

Betina Reich has always had a knack, for finding 4-leaf clovers. Last year, she decided to challenge herself to find one every day, and ended up with 258 4-leaf clovers. She started March 22nd, and stopped when the first heavy snow fell on December 4th. Betina hopes it will be a world record.

In Desperate Need of a Haircut

A hiker on Mount Alexander in Australia, found a sheep carrying a humongous load. He’d escaped from a farm as a baby, 6 years earlier, and never been sheared. The sheep, nicknamed Alex, was wearing 88 pounds of wool, and could hardly move. Alex is recovering nicely, after having all that matted wool removed.

Catch Up On Missed Sleep

Do your parents wake you up too early on weekends? Here’s a fact, for World Sleep Day. Scientists say catching up on your sleep, will help you live longer! It might be impossible to get the sleep you require when school and activities interfere, but extra sleep on the weekends gives you a healthy balance.

You’ll Understand When You’re Older

Today is Forgive Mom And Dad Day. Did they make you eat a disgusting vegetable? Or scrub the dirt off your face? Forgive them for being so mean! Maybe they shared a mortifying photo of you. Don’t stay mad, because it’s also Awkward Moments Day! Everyone does embarrassing things sometimes. Just laugh it off!

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