May the Best Mathlete Win!

Don’t be surprised, if your teacher has some extra fun with mathematics today. It’s World Maths Day, so there are online math competitions for kids around the world. You could dress up as a famous mathematician, play math games, and practice equations using M&Ms. You can eat all the right answers.

Keep the Puppies Out of the Dip

Woof woof! Get ready for cuteness, because it’s Puppy Day! Hopefully all you people with puppies will take them for walks, to share them with the rest of us. We need to pet an adorable wiggly puppy! It’s also Chip And Dip Day. What’s your favorite combination? I like french fries in ice cream.

New See-Through Froggies

Scientists have identified 2 new frog species, in Ecuador. They are both types of glass frogs, which have translucent skin. You can look through their bellies, to see their organs at work, including their heart beat. They look similar to other glass frogs, but have different calls, and live in the tropical Andes Mountains.

Universe is Full of Exoplanets

30 years ago, astronomers confirmed the first planets, outside our Solar System. These 2 extrasolar planets, were orbiting a star 2,300 light-years away. Since then, NASA has documented over 5,000 more exoplanets, with unique characteristics, just waiting to be explored. Dozens of those, could even be habitable. Better telescopes will continue to reveal more.

Celebrate Seals

Today is International Seal Day. These marine mammals, called pinnipeds, range from the 99-pound Galapagos fur seal, to the 8,500-pound Southern elephant seal. They can grow 16 feet long! Seals can sleep underwater, and hold their breath for up to 2 hours, but they also love basking in the sun on rocks or piers.

Seeping Through Soil Into Your Water

Today is World Water Day, organized by the United Nations. This year’s theme is Groundwater, making the invisible visible. Find out where your neighborhood’s water comes from, and what contaminates it. Hundreds of millions of people around the world, don’t have access to clean water. Freshwater sources can easily get polluted, in any community.

No Confederacy for WV

Today is West Virginia Day. When Virginia seceded from the Union during the time of the Civil War, the western part refused to join the Confederates, and formed the 35th state of West Virginia instead. Okay, you learned something. Now you’re excused, to enjoy Goof Off Day. Have fun!

An Extra-Extra-Extra-Extra-Extra Large Coffee

A restaurant in Michigan celebrated Saint Patrick’s Day, by setting a new world record. Hofbrau’s, in Interlochen, created the world’s largest Irish coffee. They used a giant 550-gallon mug to hold the drink, which consisted of 69 gallons of whiskey, 69 gallons of cream, 190 pounds of brown sugar, and 412 gallons of coffee!

Fecal Finances

A company called GoodNature, in Arizona, is paying people for their poop. They are doing research on gastrointestinal disorders and infections, so they need healthy adults to provide samples at poop collection centers, 3 or 4 times a week. Donors can earn up to $1500-per-month! Doing your business, can make big bucks.

That’s a Big Baby!

The Dvur Kralove Zoo in the Czech Republic, has a new baby black rhino. The rhinoceros calf is named Kyiv, in honor of those defending Ukraine. Black rhinos are endangered. The second-largest land mammal on Earth, they can weigh 100 pounds at birth. They have hooked lips, to help them grab leaves from branches.

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