A Meal of Many Bites

Today is World Tapas Day. The bite-sized Spanish dishes are a great way, to sample lots of different foods. It’s like a meal made of appetizers. It’s also Fudge Day, and Fresh Veggies Day. You wouldn’t think they’d go together, but I think a hot fudge salad sounds pretty yummy. Bon Appétit !

Swimming in Snot

The Marmara Sea in Turkey, is filled with sea snot. The marine mucus is a thick layer of microorganisms, that is spreading due to pollution. The government is trying to clean the mucilage up, with the help of 1000 people. Divers have to start at the bottom, while others skim scum off the top.

Tortoise Gets a Boost

A 70-pound tortoise named George Bailey, was disabled due to a bone disease. He’s found a new way to get around, after the Walkin’ Pets organization, gave George a wheelchair. Sulcata tortoises can live for 100 years, so George will enjoy his speedy wheels, for a very long time.

Lovely Lobsters

When some people hear the word lobster, they think of dinner. But lobsters are amazing creatures. The oldest known lobster, was 140 years old! The large crustaceans have teeth in their stomachs, and brains smaller than a grain of rice. Lobsters have clear blood, and can be blue in color. Happy Lobster Day!

Big Baby With Lots of Teeth

Today is Megalodon Day. Millions of years ago, Megalodon shark babies were bigger than a human at birth. Paleontologists believe the shark pups hatched from their eggs in the womb, growing bigger and stronger before they were born. The 6-foot newborns would grow into 50-foot long mega-sharks, and lose 40,000 teeth over their lifetime.

Smile Power

Today, celebrate everyone’s not-so-secret power. It’s Smile Power Day! See how easy it is to make other people feel better, just by giving them a big smile! It’s also Nature Photography Day. Head outside with your camera or phone, and focus on a blade of grass, the moon, or that cheeky squirrel!

A New Name for An Old Ocean

Look at a world map, and you’ll find 4 oceans. The Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Arctic Oceans, will now officially be joined by the Southern Ocean, surrounding Antarctica. Since the waters circling the continent have their own currents, they deserve their own name! I guess it’s time to get a new map.

Happy Blood Donor Day

James Harrison has saved the lives of more than 2.4 million babies in Australia. His blood contains a rare antibody, that neutralizes rhesus disease in pregnant women, and scientists used it to create a vaccine. You don’t have to have special blood to save lives, though. People donate blood every day, to people who need it!

We’re Short on Cakes

What’s better than cake? How about mini-cakes? Today is Cupcake Day, so bake a batch to share. Don’t just lick all the icing off. It’s also Strawberry Shortcake Day, so you might have to make a short strawberry cupcake. Please be sure to save one for me!

She’s a Grand Old Flag

In the United States, June 14th is Flag Day. The distinctive Stars and Stripes represent the 50 states, and the 13 original colonies. It’s easy to recognize, even when it’s a cake made out of blueberries, strawberries, and whipped cream! While you fly your American flag today, see how many other countries have flags of red, white, and blue.

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