Let the Sunshine In

Diu, a district in India with 56,000 people, is powered by 100% solar energy, generating more electricity than the district even needs! California’s solar farms have also been producing record amounts of energy. They sometimes send electricity to Arizona and other states so their power lines aren’t overloaded. Sunshine power is amazing!


Glass Apples Can be Dangerous

The new Apple headquarters in California looks like a spaceship, with lots of glass walls and doors. There may be too much glass, as employees keep walking into them! Squeaky clean glass has caused multiple calls to 9-1-1. Apple employees might also be paying more attention to their iPhones . Look out for that wall!


Zip to a World Record

Glenn Quillin celebrated turning 102 in California by becoming the oldest person to ride a zip line! If he lived in the United Arab Emirates, he could set his world record on another world record: the 1.75 mile Ras Al Khaimah is the world’s longest zip line. You can fly 93 miles per hour in the mountains!


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