If You’re a Poet, Show It!

Who is your favorite poet? Right now it might be Dr. Seuss or Shel Silverstein. As you get older and explore other poets, maybe it will be Maya Angelou, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, or Shakespeare. Maybe you’ll become, your own favorite poet! Spend the day reading or writing poems, in honor of Poet’s Day.

Do You Remember Spumoni Ice Cream?

Today is Spumoni Day. Even though it’s often hard to find, it’s my favorite ice cream flavor! It has cherry, pistachio, and chocolate layers with candied fruits and nuts. It’s also Senior Citizens Day. Seniors can tell you awesome stories about the olden days before cell phones. Just ask!

Start a Thirst-Quenching Business

National Lemonade Day, helps kids become entrepreneurs. Set up a lemonade stand, to start your business. If you really want to impress people, butterfly pea flower, can make your lemonade turn purple, pink, or indigo. First make a tea with the flowers, then pour it into a glass of lemonade, for a colorful show!

Locate a New Hobby

Do you do the same thing every day? Even if it’s something you love, like playing video games, your brain would like to try something new for Break The Monotony Day. Start with something new for breakfast. Next, how about a treasure hunt, for Geocaching Day? Check out Geocaching.com, to get started. Good luck!

Give Bees a Break

Bees are essential to pollinate crops, but honey bee populations have been declining. You can help the honey bees by planting more flowers, setting out water for them, and not using pesticides. Or start a beehive! Say thank you to a bee today, for World Honey Bee Day!

Listen to Mosquitoes and Radios

Turn off the TV and put down your screens today. It’s National Radio Day! The radio was invented in the late 18 hundreds. Before television, people gathered around the radio to listen to shows, like Dragnet or Gunsmoke. It’s also World Mosquito Day. Mosquitoes spread malaria and other diseases. But they’re great food for bats!

Giant Stinky Flower Finally Blooms

A corpse flower named Titan Van Coug,  bloomed for the first time, at Washington State University. Corpse flowers normally bloom once every 7 years, but this one took 17 years to flower. It smells like rotting flesh, to attract flies to pollinate it instead of bees or butterflies. The 10-foot-tall flower only lasts 48 hours.

Dis Burning Mee-sa Tongue

Yoo-sa want to be really annoying? It’s Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day. The Star Wars character has a unique way of speaking, that’s fun to imitate. It’s also Hot And Spicy Food Day, as well as Kool-Aid Day. Enjoy a spicy meal, and cool your mouth down with a fruity drink. Mee-sa thirsty!

What Long Arms You Have!

It’s International Orangutan Day, celebrating the expressive orange-haired apes. They are an endangered species, found only in Borneo and Sumatra. While orangutans grow only about 5 feet tall, their arm span can reach 7 feet from tip to tip! Palm oil plantations are the biggest threat to the wild population, destroying their rainforest homes.

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