Hoodie-Hoos Down South

Back in February, we celebrated Northern Hemisphere Hoodie-Hoo Day. Now it’s the Southern Hemisphere’s turn. If it’s winter where you live, and you want to chase it away, go outside at noon, wave your hands above your head, and chant “Hoodie-hoo!” The people sick of summer, would happily send some heat your way.

A Peachy Veterinarian Visit

Quick, cover your kitty’s ears. It’s Take Your Cat To The Vet Day. They need their vaccinations just like humans! It’s also Eat A Peach Day. A big, juicy, peach, is delicious on a hot summer day. Since today’s also Be An Angel Day, do nice things for people. Like giving them a peach!

A One-Way Round-Trip Flight

Mack Rutherford is on track, to become the youngest person to fly solo, around the world. The 16-year-old pilot started his journey in Bulgaria in March, flying a Shark microlight aircraft. After traveling to locations including Sardinia, Madagascar, India, China, Japan, Alaska, and Mexico, he’ll travel through Iceland to complete his trip in Bulgaria.

Incoming Whale

Mediterranean sperm whales are an endangered species. They are often hit by ships, causing over half of their deaths. Greek scientists have developed a new warning system of buoys, that detect the whales by tracking their clicks. When the whale’s clicks get louder, ships are alerted to watch out, because a whale is surfacing.

Growing a Martian Diet

Once Earthlings finally get to Mars, what should they grow first? A new study suggests, alfalfa plants would be a good start. Martian soil is low in nutrients and the water is salty, but alfalfa grows well in those conditions. The alfalfa could then become fertilizer, to help grow turnips, radishes, and lettuce.

If You’re a Poet, Show It!

Who is your favorite poet? Right now it might be Dr. Seuss or Shel Silverstein. As you get older and explore other poets, maybe it will be Maya Angelou, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, or Shakespeare. Maybe you’ll become, your own favorite poet! Spend the day reading or writing poems, in honor of Poet’s Day.

Do You Remember Spumoni Ice Cream?

Today is Spumoni Day. Even though it’s often hard to find, it’s my favorite ice cream flavor! It has cherry, pistachio, and chocolate layers with candied fruits and nuts. It’s also Senior Citizens Day. Seniors can tell you awesome stories about the olden days before cell phones. Just ask!

Start a Thirst-Quenching Business

National Lemonade Day, helps kids become entrepreneurs. Set up a lemonade stand, to start your business. If you really want to impress people, butterfly pea flower, can make your lemonade turn purple, pink, or indigo. First make a tea with the flowers, then pour it into a glass of lemonade, for a colorful show!

Locate a New Hobby

Do you do the same thing every day? Even if it’s something you love, like playing video games, your brain would like to try something new for Break The Monotony Day. Start with something new for breakfast. Next, how about a treasure hunt, for Geocaching Day? Check out Geocaching.com, to get started. Good luck!

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