Baby Humboldt Penguin Growing Strong

The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium in Ohio, has announced the hatching of a new Humboldt penguin chick. The tiny penguin is one month old, and is being raised by hand, because of an outbreak of avian flu. The chick is well-protected, and has started eating small fish, along with a fish-based formula.

Why Does Everyone Think We’re Extinct?

The largest woodpecker in North America, the ivory-billed woodpecker, was declared extinct over 70 years ago. But there have been over 200 sightings of the supposedly extinct bird since 19 44, including photos, audio recordings, and even feathers. Conservationists are trying to preserve lowland forests in Louisiana, that ivory-billed woodpeckers might call home.

Give the Earth Your Attention

52 years ago, on April 22nd 1970, Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson created Earth Day. He wanted people to focus on the environment, air and water pollution. It grew into a global movement, bringing the world together to try and keep the Earth clean, prevent global warming, and preserve nature for future generations. Happy Earth Day!

Shower Some Coins Into Your Piggy Bank

April showers bring May flowers. But what do May flowers bring? Pilgrims, hahaha. Celebrate April Showers Day, by playing in the rain. It’s also Teach Children To Save Day, so scrounge up some change, and make a deposit! It’s easier to save money when it’s in a bank, instead of in your pocket.

Beans and Jelly Beagles

Today is Beagle Day, a type of dog. The most famous beagle is Snoopy. What’s your doggie’s name? Also, what’s your favorite jelly bean flavor? Sample them all, for Jelly Bean Day! The Jelly Belly Bean Boozled packs, have flavors like vomit, rotten egg, and earwax. Do you dare try them?

Millipede Named After Taylor Swift

Scientist Derek Hennen, is a big fan of singer Taylor Swift. He says Taylor’s music helped him get through graduate school, so he found an unusual way to thank her. Derek’s team discovered 17 new species of millipedes. They named one Nannaria swiftae, in honor of Taylor Swift. I wonder if it can dance!

A Celebration of Voluminous Utterances

Did you know, it’s Big Word Day? There are long words, like antidisestablishmentarianism, that don’t come up in most conversations. Other important-sounding words, are uncommon, but have simple meanings. For instance, another word for beautiful, is pulchritudinous. Utilize a substantial vocabulary to electrify your consanguineous contemporaries, means use big words to impress your family.

Invite a Bulldog to Tea

Today is Chocolate Covered Cashews Day. Cashew nuts are seeds, formed on the bottom of cashew apples. They’re crazy-looking! It’s also Tea Day. Have a tea party with your teddy bears, pets, and family. Do you have a pet bulldog? Take some photos to show them off, for Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day!

High Five Safely

Today is High Five Day, but it’s best to avoid touching other people’s hands during a pandemic. It’s safe to give your pets a high five, but can you think of another way to congratulate humans? Maybe you can slap your own hand, and pretend to toss it to them! Try it and see.

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