Opera Star Is Just Getting Started

Victory Brinker is getting an early start on her opera career. She gave her first professional performance at age 7, back in 2019. Guinness World Records officially named her the world’s youngest opera singer. She made history last summer, getting a Golden Buzzer from all 4 judges, on America’s Got Talent. What a star!

Where Did My Fork Go?

A cat named Charlie, in the UK, is always bringing home new toys. The only problem is, he’s stealing things from the neighbors, including dinosaurs, glasses, and rubber duckies. His human, Alice Bigge, set a shelf up outside, displaying all the items her Klepto-Cat brings home, to help people retrieve their belongings.

A Piano in Your Pocket

A piano has 88 keys, so the 88th day of the year, is the perfect time to celebrate Piano Day. Play your piano for anyone who will listen, and open the windows so your neighbors can enjoy the music. There are also virtual pianos online, and free apps to teach you how to play.

Pick a Card, Any Card

Today is Mom And Pop Business Owners Day. Visit a small, family-owned business the next time you need something, because they need something too. Your business! Try checking out a Magic Shop, since it’s also Smoke And Mirrors Day. Magicians use those things, to hide what they’re doing. Presto-here’s-your-change-o! Now practice your new tricks.

Niagara Falls Became Niagara Stops

It’s Niagara Falls Runs Dry Day! Each minute, more than 6,000,000 cubic feet of water gushes over Niagara Falls, a group of 3 waterfalls on the border of United States and Canada. On this day in 1848, the rivers feeding Niagara Falls froze and the water completely stopped for the only time in recorded history!

A Different Kind of Shell

What’s the most interesting thing, you’ve ever found on the beach? Maybe it was a pretty shell, a horseshoe crab, or false teeth. Craig O’Neal’s big find, was a 20-pound cannonball! He discovered his treasure buried under 4 feet of sand, while using his metal detector in Florida. It might be over 200 years old!

Twitter for Dolphins?

Humans keep in touch with each other, by phone, texting, social media, or even writing letters. Dolphins use whistles instead. Scientists found that dolphins’ whistles, helped them form relationships with other communities, over long distances. Sometimes, it even helps them find a mate. Whistling is their underwater internet.

Welcome the Weeds

Spring is here, and so are the weeds. Luckily, it’s Weed Appreciation Day! Instead of putting weed-killer on your lawn, welcome weeds like dandelions and clover. They are some of the first flowers to bloom, and bees depend on them! You can also eat dandelions, wild onions, chickweed, and purslane. Pick your own salad!

A Delicious Stack of Books

Today is Children’s Picture Book Day. Read all of your favorite picture books, check out new ones from the library, or create your own book! Since it’s also Black Forest Cake Day, try reading Chocolate Cake, by Michael Rosen, 5 Cherries, by Victoria Facchini, and Whipped Cream Princess, by Brooke Wilson and Chuck Horton.

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