Don’t Drip on Your Picture

Get your crayons or colored pencils out, because it’s Coloring Book Day! If you don’t have one, ask everyone to draw pictures for you with black markers, then color them in. It’s also Ice Cream Sandwich Day. Do you want your ice cream on wheat or white bread? Just kidding! Use cookies!

Check Your Collections

Kansas City quarterback Patrick Mahomes, is worth a lot on paper. His 2017 NFL rookie card, just sold for $4,300,000! That’s the most expensive NFL card ever. The previous record was 3.1 million, for a Tom Brady rookie card. A Babe Ruth pre-rookie card has them both beat. The baseball card sold for $6,000,000!

Reality TV Is for the Birds

John Chadwick set up a wildlife camera, in his backyard birdhouse last March. The house soon attracted a blue tit couple, who built a nest. John decided to livestream their progress, so the whole world could watch the daily life the bird family. Millions of people watched their 5 chicks hatch and grow up!

Helping to Fix the Problem

Police officers in Denver Colorado teamed up with Advance Auto Parts, to help motorists. When someone is driving with a burned-out headlight, instead of getting a ticket, they might get a gift card. The auto parts store donated 25-dollar gift cards, to help people fix their cars. That’s much better than getting fined.

Amazing Teens at the Olympics

Have you been watching the Tokyo Olympics? There are a lot of kids, winning medals! 17-year-old Lydia Jacoby won a gold medal for the United States. Meanwhile, in the new street skateboarding event, 13-year-olds Momiji Nishiya and Rayssa Leal won the gold and silver medals, while 16-year-old Funa Nakayama won the bronze. That’s incredible!

Web of Respect

Can you imagine a world without the internet? Many of your parents were born before “www” meant anything! That alone deserves respect today, on Respect For Parents Day. It’s World Wide Web Day also. Thank you to Tim Berners-Lee for inventing the magnificent way to connect everyone in the world in seconds, back in 1989!

Donating Land to Those Who Will Protect It

The Sabinoso Wilderness Area in New Mexico, just got a lot bigger. The Trust for Public Land, is a group that acquires land from private donations, like the Cañon Ciruela property. The Trust gave 10,000 acres of land to the wilderness area, to preserve mesas, canyons, woodlands, grasslands, and wildlife habitat.

Turn Those Thrusters Off!

The International Space Station had a change of position this week. A new Russian space module, called Naruka, unexpectedly fired its thrusters after docking, causing the entire station to rotate. Luckily, nothing on the ISS was damaged. They think a helium leak may have caused the malfunction. Things should be back to normal soon.

Avocados for All

Today is Avocado Day, and Hawaii grows some of the world’s heaviest. One avocado weighed 5.6 pounds, and made enough guacamole to feed the whole Pokini family! They hold the official world record, but Kenji Fukumitsu gave away a 6 1/2 pound avocado earlier this year, and he’s often given away bigger ones!

Thank You Park Rangers

Today is World Ranger Day. With over 100,000 parks and protected areas around the world, park rangers are essential. In nature reserves where endangered species like elephants live, park rangers put their lives on the line, to protect animals from poachers. Park rangers help preserve the parks, so everyone can enjoy them forever!

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