Sticky Floors, No Problem

Walnuts, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, peanuts. Eat them all on Grab Some Nuts Day! Don’t worry about dropping shells on the floor. Next, grab a giant slice of juicy watermelon and eat it. It’s National Watermelon Day! Now that your floors are a sticky mess, you can celebrate Clean Your Floors Day!

74° in The Arctic

A heatwave in Greenland, is causing a massive melting event. The Greenland ice sheet is the second-largest mass of freshwater ice on Earth, but it’s been melting at a rate of 8,000,000,000 metric tons a day since Wednesday. That would be enough to cover Florida, with 2 inches of water.

Hold Still, I Need Some Fur

Every bird species uses different materials, to make their nests. The tufted titmouse, likes to line their nests with fur. Scientists have observed the bold little birds, plucking hairs right from the backs of animals. They’ll steal hairs from raccoons, dogs, and even cats! Researchers named the hair-stealing behavior kleptotrichy.

Party Lights in the Sky

Fireflies light up, by producing a chemical reaction in their bodies. Also known as lightning bugs, the glowing beetles are disappearing because of light pollution. You can help them, by turning off your outdoor lights, so they can see their own lights to communicate. Every species has its own pattern of flashing lights.

Nautical Nonsense Under the Sea

Spongebob Squarepants is a cartoon sponge, that lives under the sea. His best friend is a starfish named Patrick. An ocean expedition found the real- life versions, while exploring in the Atlantic. A bright yellow square-shaped sponge, sat on a rock right next to a pink starfish. I wonder where Squidward was?

Invent Something Awesome

August is Inventors Month! Who is your favorite inventor? Maybe you’re thankful Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, or that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Simple things like safety pins or paper clips also needed to be invented, and made somebody rich! Try to come up with your own invention this month!

Don’t Drip on Your Picture

Get your crayons or colored pencils out, because it’s Coloring Book Day! If you don’t have one, ask everyone to draw pictures for you with black markers, then color them in. It’s also Ice Cream Sandwich Day. Do you want your ice cream on wheat or white bread? Just kidding! Use cookies!

Check Your Collections

Kansas City quarterback Patrick Mahomes, is worth a lot on paper. His 2017 NFL rookie card, just sold for $4,300,000! That’s the most expensive NFL card ever. The previous record was 3.1 million, for a Tom Brady rookie card. A Babe Ruth pre-rookie card has them both beat. The baseball card sold for $6,000,000!

Reality TV Is for the Birds

John Chadwick set up a wildlife camera, in his backyard birdhouse last March. The house soon attracted a blue tit couple, who built a nest. John decided to livestream their progress, so the whole world could watch the daily life the bird family. Millions of people watched their 5 chicks hatch and grow up!

Helping to Fix the Problem

Police officers in Denver Colorado teamed up with Advance Auto Parts, to help motorists. When someone is driving with a burned-out headlight, instead of getting a ticket, they might get a gift card. The auto parts store donated 25-dollar gift cards, to help people fix their cars. That’s much better than getting fined.

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