The Best Song Ever

A 10-year-old drummer challenged Dave Grohl to a drum battle. The drummer of Nirvana, and frontman for the Foo Fighters accepted, and was surprised to see Nandi Bushell hold her own! He was so impressed, he wrote a song for her, describing Nandi as the “best drummer in the world”, “always right on time.”

Laser Danger is Real

Does your dog or cat like to play with a laser pointer? Your parents have probably warned you, that it’s dangerous to shine it in anyone’s eyes. A teenager found out the hard way, after looking into a laser for a few seconds. He permanently damaged his retina, and lost part of his sight.

Prehistoric Rest Stop

Someone left permanent footprints, in the Saudi Arabian desert. They were created around a lake 120,000 years ago, when the area was green and humid. Among the camel, buffalo, and huge elephant tracks, researchers also found human footprints. They were likely Homo sapiens, like us, visiting the watering hole, while traveling between Africa and Eurasia.

Virtually Visit a Library

Today is Hug A Greeting Card Writer Day. It might be hard to find one, so maybe just show your appreciation, by sending someone a greeting card instead! It’s also Reed An Ebook Day. The public library has lots of ebooks you can check out from home, to read on a phone or tablet!

That Poor Soccer Ball

Soccer players feel a lot of pressure, when they take a penalty shot. It’s just them against the goalie. An emergency medical technician in Wales, got plenty of practice for that big moment, by taking 2,075 penalty shots, in 24 hours. Stephen Ford was raising money for the Welsh Ambulance Service, by breaking the world record.

Big Price for a Big Predator

Have you always wanted your own dinosaur? A Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton, will soon be auctioned off in New York. It’s named Stan, after the amateur paleontologist that found it in 19 87. The 188 bones add up to a 13-foot-high, 40-foot-long model, and is expected to sell for 6 to $8,000,000. How much is in your piggy bank?

Let the Sun Shine on Your Smiling Face

Sunflowers bring people joy, with their big happy faces. The bright yellow flowers make a perfect photo backdrop, for visitors enjoying a farm in Wisconsin. The Thompson Strawberry Farm wanted to give people a reason to get out of the city, so they planted 2,000,000 sunflowers. Soaking up some sunshine among the flowers, sounds wonderful!

U S History

Today is Constitution Day and Citizenship Day. The Constitution of the newly formed United States, defined citizens and their rights, in 17 87. As things changed, amendments were added. Native Americans were already there, and many people were brought unwillingly as slaves. Everyone else settled as immigrants. How did your ancestors start out in your country?

Pick a Peck of Pawpaws

Have you ever tried a pawpaw? It’s the largest edible fruit in North America, and grows in forests. Some people call it the Hillbilly Mango, or the Kentucky Banana, because it has a tropical taste. The custard-like fruit has a hint of pineapple, banana, and mango flavor. Try one today for Pawpaw Day!

Old Friends and Apple Dumplings

Today is Apple Dumpling Day! Peeled and cored apples filled with butter, cinnamon and sugar, are wrapped in dough. After they bake in the oven, they’re like balls of delicious apple pie! It’s also Locate An Old Friend Day. Ask your parents about your first playdate, then say hi to your oldest friend!

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