Your Dog is Smart-ish

Get ready to defend your dog. Some researchers are saying dogs aren’t really that smart! They say that people simply give dogs more tests to show their intelligence. A dog will come when you call his name. A cat also knows her name, but might choose to ignore you because she’s enjoying her snooze!


Your Artwork Stinks

Mary Winchenbach is an artist, but she works in a gross medium. Her creations are made out of local Maine moose poop! She made a Poo Poo Clock, so you can tell when it’s one-turdy. You can take your pick of Fecal People, Moosletoe, or Dingleberry ornaments. She calls them Tirdy Works.


Pop Pop Pop

Balloon tag is a fun game where everyone ties a balloon around their ankle, and your team tries to step on the other team’s balloons, and pop them. Students at the University of California Irvine, set a world record for largest game of balloon tag. 1514 students joined the game! Pop Poppity Pop!


Easy Peasy Cookies

It’s National Homemade Cookies Day, so here’s an easy and delicious recipe! Take 1 cup peanut butter, 1 cup sugar, and 1 egg. Mix them all together, then put spoonfuls on a cookie sheet. Flatten them a little with a fork. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit until the edges start to brown a tiny bit. Now eat them all!


Is Anybody Out There?

Do you think there’s life on other planets? NASA has announced a new plan to search for alien life. The space agency will begin looking for technosignatures, which is basically evidence of technology. They’ll use new telescopes to search exoplanets, for signs of laser emissions, polluted atmospheres, megastructures, and even satellites!


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