Ice Age Mastodon Tooth Found On the Beach

A woman in California, photographed a strange-looking piece of charred firewood, on the beach. After posting it on social media, she found out it was actually a foot-long mastodon tooth! Paleontologists asked her to go back for it, but someone else had picked it up. Luckily, he donated it to the museum.

Dancing for Days

A teenager in India, set a world record, by dancing for 127 hours straight. 16-year-old Srushti Sudhir Jagtap was allowed a 5 minute break each hour, which she could accumulate into a longer break, to take a power nap. She danced in the classical Kathak style, to promote Indian culture.

Celebrate Endangered Sea Turtles

Today is World Sea Turtle Day. Sea turtles can stay underwater for hours at a time, diving deep in the ocean. Most species only come to shore when it’s time to nest. They lay eggs in clutches, and the temperature of the sand, determines if the hatchlings will be male or female.

Ugly Lovable Dogs

Next week, the World’s Ugliest Dog contest will take place in California. Celebrate your own less than perfect dog, for Ugliest Dog Day. It’s also Vinegar Day. Do you like vinegar on your french fries, or in your salad dressing? You can also use it to make pickles, kill weeds, or clean the kitchen!

Every Bite Is Different

Today is World Tapas Day. The bite-sized Spanish dishes are a great way, to sample lots of different foods. It’s like a meal made of appetizers. It’s also Fudge Day, and Fresh Veggies Day. You wouldn’t think they’d go together, but I think a hot fudge salad sounds pretty yummy. Bon Appétit!

Electrified Air

Today is Electricity Day, also known as Fly A Kite Day. On this date in 1752, Benjamin Franklin flew a kite in a thunderstorm, to prove that lightning was an electrical discharge. It led to the invention of lightning rods, which channel lightning safely into the ground. What a shocking discovery!

Megalodon Kept the Tooth Fairy Busy

Today is Megalodon Day. Millions of years ago, Megalodon shark babies were bigger than a human at birth. Paleontologists believe the shark pups hatched from their eggs in the womb, growing bigger and stronger before they were born. The 6-foot newborns would grow into 50-foot long mega-sharks, and lose 40,000 teeth over their lifetime.

Look For a Free Ride

Forget riding in the car. It’s Dump the Pump Day! Sponsored by the American Public Transportation Association, many cities across the United States will be offering free fare on public transit. See if your city is participating; your ride on the bus or subway might cost you nothing and cause less pollution!

Tell Mother Nature to Say Cheese

Today, celebrate everyone’s not-so-secret power. It’s Smile Power Day! See how easy it is to make other people feel better, just by giving them a big smile! It’s also Nature Photography Day. Head outside with your camera or phone, and focus on a blade of grass, the moon, or that cheeky squirrel!

Banking Blood to Save a Stranger’s Life

James Harrison’s blood contains a rare antibody, that scientists used to create a vaccine to prevent rhesus disease in pregnant women, saving the lives of millions of babies in Australia. You don’t need special blood to save lives though. People donate blood every day, to people who need it! Happy Blood Donor Day!

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