Only 81 Years Overdue

The Timberland Library in Aberdeen Washington, had a long-overdue book returned. The Bounty Trilogy had been checked out in 1942! Luckily, the library no longer charges late fees, especially after seeing what the reader thought of the book. They’d written a review inside, saying they wouldn’t read the book if you paid them!

Live On a Troll Bridge

It’s expensive to live in Los Angeles California. There are only 11 properties for sale under $250,000. But if you want to live like a troll, there’s a house selling for that price, under a bridge. Overlooking the Alhambra wash, the one-bedroom troll apartment has a rooftop patio next to the road.

Don’t Forget the Popcorn

Tonight is National Movie Night, but what if you want to take your dog to the show? K9 Cinemas believes your dog should get a night out with you! They started in Texas, but a K9 Cinema might soon open near you. Meanwhile, you can watch movies at home, or find a drive-in theater.

Make Pie for Earl and Donald

Quack-quack-quack. It’s Donald Duck Day! The beloved grumpy duck made his first appearance in a 19 34 cartoon. He’s been in even more movies than Mickey Mouse! It’s also Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day. What a sweet way, to eat your daily fruits and vegetables! Is your name Earl? You deserve extra pie, because it’s Earl Day!

How Do Dolphins Hunt?

The US Navy, has a fleet of dolphins, trained to help identify underwater mines. They outfitted the dolphins with cameras, to record their hunting techniques. The dolphins used echolocation, sight, and speed to find and catch prey, sometimes swimming upside-down. Then they slurped fish and snakes into the sides of their mouths.

Have a Park Plan

Hey 4th graders, would you like to visit a National Park this summer? The year you’re in 4th grade in the United States, you can get into any National Park for free! Students can print a free annual pass, good for everyone in the car, at Where will you go first?


Let’s Baalk About It

Animal therapy can help people with their mental health, and there’s a fuzzy new therapy service called EWE Talk. A flock of sheep names Autumn, Maggy, Nelly, Ziggy, Hope, and Pearl, help kids talk out their problems. Hugging a woolly sheep, or running around with lambs, can help relieve anxiety!

Waves of Appreciation

It’s World Oceans Day, which means it’s time to show oceans some love. What can you do, to help protect or clean the ocean? Do some research and find out! Then go to an uncrowded beach to enjoy the water. Pick up any trash you find, so it doesn’t wash out to sea!

Wake Up Juice

Upsy daisy, rise and shine! Wake up with a smile, because it’s Upsy Daisy Day! It’s also Best Friends Day. Celebrate by brainstorming with your best friend to concoct a special drink, for Name Your Poison Day. Be sure to give it a fun name. A pickle-pineapple juice drink could be a Pinnacle!

Stay Safe At the Beach

Do you know how to recognize a rip current, at the beach? The fast-moving current, can pull you quickly out to sea. The water might look calmer, between the sections where waves are breaking, but that’s the most dangerous area. If you get caught in a rip, swim parallel to shore, to escape it.

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