I Think I Know What’s for Dinner

The Perdigão food company in Brazil, celebrated the 469th anniversary of the city of Sao Paolo, by making a few sandwiches. In fact, they made so many that they broke the world record, for the longest line of torpedo/submarine sandwiches. The 1,180 subs had to be at least 11.8 inches long, to count.

Don’t Forget Your Permission Slips

Does your class ever take field trips? A survey found that nearly half the adults in the United Kingdom, said their fondest childhood memories were school trips. Since rising costs are making it harder to afford trips, Hyundai launched the Great British School Trip program. The auto company will fund excursions for 25,000 students.

Jupiter Has the Most Moons

Jupiter used to have the most moons in the Solar System, but in 2019, Saturn took the lead. Astronomers recently counted 12 more unknown moons orbiting Jupiter, so it’s got the most moons again, at 92. Saturn only has 83. Poor old Earth only has one Moon, but it sure is beautiful!

You Make Delicious Frozen Yogurt

It’s National Frozen Yogurt Day, and many yogurt shops are having buy one get-one free specials, like Sweet Frog, and 16 Handles. TCBY will give you one for free! What toppings do you like on your fro-yo? It’s also Pay A Compliment Day. Saying something nice to someone, will make their day better.

Sticky Utensils

Today is Chopsticks Day. These simple eating utensils have been used in China since 1200 BCE, where they now produce 80,000,000,000 disposable pairs-per-year. If you don’t know how to use chopsticks, ask someone to teach you. You might need to buy light-up light saber chopsticks, to practice. After all, reusable chopsticks are better for the environment!

Cutest Conga Line Ever

Wolfgang Lauenburger set the record for most dogs in a conga line, with his 14 pooches, named Emma, Filou, Fin, Simon, Susy, Maya, Ulf, Speck, Bibi, Katie, Jennifer, Elvis, Charly, and Cathy. The prancing poochies each stood with their front paws on the next one’s shoulders, then moved to the beat.

Leave Me Alone

The rare Pallas’s cat, also known as the manul, has been called the original grumpy cat. Look at a picture, and you’ll understand why. Pallas’s cats are found across Asia at high altitudes. Researchers recently found evidence, that they even live on Mount Everest, 17,000 feet up. That’s one way to hide from humans.

Be Proud of Your Fabulous Flatulence

Today is Did-You-Fart?-Day, so remember this advice. Whoever smelt it dealt it, and whoever denied it supplied it. Actually, everybody farts, normally up to 25 times a day. Most mammals also pass gas, except for sloths. So do snakes. Read the book, “Does It Fart?”, to see what other animals have flatulence.

Expect a Storm of Butterflies

With the crazy temperatures some places have been experiencing, it makes you thankful for weather forecasts. Today is Weatherperson’s Day, so thank a meteorologist for letting you know whether to wear snow boots or flip-flops! It’s also Western Monarch Day. Plant some milkweed, to help the beautiful butterflies survive their annual 3000-mile migration!

Try Some Nutella Fondue

Today is World Nutella Day. Nutella is a spread made from cocoa and hazelnuts, that tastes yummy on bread. It’s also Chocolate Fondue Day, which is melted chocolate that you can dip everything in. I think I’ll eat strawberries, spread with Nutella and dunked in chocolate! Now what will I have for dessert.

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