Can I See Your ID?

Have you ever worn a lanyard? It might have been your school ID, or a park pass worn on a strap around your neck. Salacnib Sonny Molina, set a world record, by wearing 509 lanyards at once. He also holds several other world records, including farthest distance walking barefoot on Lego bricks.

He-Man and She-Ra Have the Power

The Strong National Museum of Play, in Rochester New York, inducted 3 toys to its Toy Hall of Fame this year. The new inductees are Masters of the Universe, the magic light box known as Lite-Brite, and spinning tops. Tops are one of the oldest toys in history, dating back 5000 years.

First Gen Z Congressman Elected

Last Tuesday, voters in Florida elected the first Gen Z United States Congress member. Generation Z, is considered anyone born between 19 97 and 2012. 25-year-old Maxwell Alejandro Frost, led activists fighting to control gun violence, and restore voting rights. He wants to continue that work in Congress, as well as fight climate change.

Lice Were Always Annoying

An ivory comb, carved from an elephant tusk 3,700 years ago, was found in Israel. Etched onto the comb, is the first sentence ever discovered, that was written in the Canaanite language. Translated, the inscription reads, “May this tusk root out the lice of the hair and beard.” It’s the comb’s instructions label.

Please Choose Kindness

Today is World Kindness Day. Try to think about each thing you do, and make sure you’re being kind. Then go out of your way to do one nice thing for someone. Can you do that every day? Think how great the world would be, if everyone treated each other with kindness!

Just Call Him Speed Lacer

How long does it take you to tie a shoe? How about 6 shoes? Alvaro Martin Mendieta is now the shoe-tying champion, after setting a new world record. The Spanish man tied 3 pairs of shoelaces into bows, in 9.99 seconds. I wonder how fast he can get knots out.

World Population to Reach 8 Billion

At this moment, the world has more than 7,999,400,000 living people. Sometime today or tomorrow, the population will reach 8,000,000,000. Watch a population counter online, like, to see the momentous occasion. But with an average of 385,000 births per day, don’t blink. The population will be 8,000,000,000 for less than 1 second.

Patch For Protection

Scientists are constantly researching new vaccines, to prevent illness. They’re also finding ways, to make vaccines easier to get. In the future, instead of getting a shot, you might be able to stick a patch on your skin. It may work faster, stay stable at room temperature longer, and best of all, no needles!

Pizza With Pickles

Today is Pizza With The Works Except Anchovies Day. Top your pizza with everything but little fish! How about candy corn, bananas, and french fries! Speaking of french fries, it’s also French Dip Day. It’s a roast beef sandwich dipped in meat juice, but french fries dipped in french vanilla ice cream sounds better!

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