Tardigrades Are Hardy

Tardigrades are amazing microscopic creatures. Also called water bears or moss piglets, they can survive in the cold vacuum of space, volcanoes, or deep underwater trenches. They can withstand radiation blasts or live for decades without food or water. Scientists discovered, proteins keep their cell walls from shrinking, even when the cells dehydrate.

Doilies and Studebakers

The Studebaker Company started out, making buggies and wagons in 1852. They switched to cars after automobiles were invented, and stayed in business until 1966. Today is Drive Your Studebaker Day, so keep an eye out, for antique cars. Since it’s also Lacemaking Day, watch a demonstration of someone making lace. It looks confusing.

Microwave a Frozen Meal

Today is Swap Ideas Day. Everyone think of a good idea, then trade! If you’re thinking of dinner ideas, remember it’s also TV Dinner Day. One person can pick the meal, and the other one can pick the show. Ask your grandparents, to tell you about Hungry Man Salisbury Steak dinners, in foil trays.

Any Food in Here?

If you’re parked in the middle of the woods, do you still need to lock your car doors? A man in Colorado would say yes. His security camera captured footage of a bear, easily opening the door of his unlocked SUV, and climbing inside. Bears are always on the lookout for a tasty snack!

Add Billions of Boxes to the Recycling Stream

Everyone should be recycling as much as they can, but there’s been some confusion about pizza boxes. Corrugated cardboard is definitely recyclable, but what if it has pizza grease on it? The producers of Domino’s pizza boxes, did some experiments, and found that the grease and cheese didn’t make a difference. Recycle those boxes!

England Has a New King

Yesterday, the Queen of England died at the age of 96. Queen Elizabeth reigned for 70 years, longer than any other British monarch in history. Her oldest son Charles, is the new King, and his wife Camilla will be the Queen Consort. Charles’s son William, becomes the next heir to the throne.

Embrace Your Weirdness

Ok all you weirdos, here’s the day you’ve been waiting for. It’s Wonderful Weirdos Day! Be proud to be different; it makes the world a more interesting place. It’s also Teddy Bear Day. When President Teddy Roosevelt was nice to a bear cub in 1902, the first stuffed bear toy was named after him.

Big Enough To Hold a Baseball

Isaac Johnson has the biggest mouth not only in Minnesota, but in the whole world. He first set the world record at age 14, but someone broke his record. He reclaimed it at 16. Now, he’s broken his own record for largest mouth gape again, by opening his mouth 4.014 inches wide.

Purple Traffic Jam

Last week, California highways were red, after accidents involving squashed tomatoes. This week, the roads were pink. A truck carrying clothing dye, spilled during a crash in Southern California. The road turned dark pink and bright purple, making it the prettiest traffic jam ever. At least the dye was organic.

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