Make Your Trash Pretty

Are you tired of your furniture or clothes? Take your old stuff and repaint it, or add to it, until it makes you happy! It’s Upcycling Day! Look around to see what you can create out of old toilet paper rolls, jars and cans, and have a craft day. Turn trash into treasure!

Be Wary of Fairies

Today is Fairy Day! You might think fairies are cute little creatures, but in Ireland, you don’t mess with the fairy folk. If you see a rock or a ring of trees and bushes in the middle of a field, leave it alone. It’s a fairy fort, and you don’t dare anger the fairies!

Back From the Tomb

A library in England recovered one of their books, after 76 years. A play called “This Way to the Tomb,”, had been checked out in 19 46. Ronald Duncan found it while sorting through his family’s old books, and realized it was long-overdue. Luckily, they didn’t make him pay the late fee, of $4,358.00.

Planetary Parade

For the next few nights, the crescent Moon will join the planets we can see with the naked eye, in a neat line in the sky. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, are arranged from left to right, in order of their distance from the Sun. Check them out just before dawn.

Pink Is Perfect

Get out all your pink clothes, because it’s Pink Day! The color pink used to be the color for boys in the 19th century. The lighter shade of red, was considered masculine. Now, everyone wears every color. It’s also Pink Flamingo Day, celebrating the best lawn ornaments ever. They’re already dressed in pink.

Time for Some Water

Happy Hydration Day! The human body is about 60% water, and it’s easy to lose it in the hot summertime. Dehydration can make you tired, dizzy, confused, grumpy, or give you a headache. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty, to grab a drink. Humans can survive 3 weeks without food, but only 4 days without water!

Clickety Click Clack

Today is Typewriter Day. Typing on a computer, where you can delete mistakes, or move paragraphs around, is so easy. But what happens when the printer won’t work again? On a typewriter, you can enjoy rolling the paper in, listening to the clacks and dings, and watching keys strike the paper. It’s so satisfying!

The Better to Hear You With

A baby goat in Pakistan, was born with ears nearly 19 inches long. Although Nubian goats are known for their long ears, hers are a bit extreme. Simba’s ears are so long, they drag on the ground. When she’s fully grown, her ears may even hold the world record one day.

A Very Hairy Crossing Guard

A stray dog in the country of Georgia, has given himself a job. Kupata, which is German for sausage, is an Australian shepherd, so he decided to herd children across the street. Kupata acts as the crossing guard, keeping kids safe from traffic at a busy intersection. The whole community takes care of him.

Tracking the Biggest Freshwater Fish

A fisherman in Cambodia, caught the biggest freshwater fish ever recorded. The giant freshwater stingray, weighs 661 pounds, and measures 13 feet long. A 646-pound catfish, had previously held the record. The stingray was tagged, and released back into the Mekong River, so scientists can track it, and learn more about its behavior.

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