Bees Need to See Speed

Scientists discovered a strange thing, about honeybees. When they fly over a smooth surface, like a perfectly still lake, or a mirror, bees crash. That’s because they use visual cues from the surface, to maintain their altitude. When they can’t see the ground whizzing along below them, they soon drop, and slam into it.

Ants Are Amazing

There are 1.6 million ants, for every person on Earth, but it’s not just their numbers that are incredible. Researchers have filmed fire ants, paving a path over sticky surfaces, using particles of soil or sand. They also form rafts by clinging to each other in a huge mass, and floating on air bubbles.

The Rewards of Coin Collecting

Did you know, it’s Coin Week? A coin collector is called a numismatist. Study all the coins in your house. Find the date on each one, and compare how designs changed over the years. Do you have any old wheat pennies, or quarters featuring different states? How about coins from other countries? Start a collection.

Everything Smells Delicious

Today is Bicycle Day. Give your bike a tune-up, and go for a ride. Don’t forget your helmet! It’s also Garlic Day. Eat a loaf of garlic bread and celebrate your pungent breath! Then get some fresh air, by hanging clothes to dry on a clothesline. It’s Hanging Out Day!

Wallaby Goes on a Hop-About

That wasn’t the Easter Bunny, hopping around Tennessee last week. It was a wallaby, that had escaped from the Memphis Zoo. The small kangaroo cousin, got loose during a storm, but he’s back safe and sound after zookeepers followed his tracks, to the Rainbow Lake. I hope he had a hoppy adventure!

New Babies Expand Monkey Population

Cotton-top tamarins are small monkeys, native to Colombia, with a crest of white fur on their heads. They are highly endangered, so many zoos are trying to help the species survive with breeding programs. Recently, new baby cotton-top tamarins were born in Idaho, Michigan, and England. Both parents help raise the tiny tots.

Planets Start Lining Up Tonight

Don’t forget to check out the neat sky event in the Northern Hemisphere. For the best view, look in the sky, just before dawn on April 20th. A perfect line of 4 planets will be visible. Jupiter will be near the horizon, with Venus to its upper right, followed by Mars and Saturn.

Let Poochie Get His Own Treat

Today is Pet Owners Independence Day. On this wacky holiday, people are supposed to switch places with their pets. You can lay around and get fed, while your pet goes to work or school, and scoops up your poop. Also, eat animal crackers, for Animal Crackers Day. Maybe your pets should eat people crackers!

Ducklings Fall Through the Quacks

A road near an English park, has lots of potholes, that fill with water. Momma ducks often take their ducklings to splash in the puddles. Last week, some tiny ducklings fell into the sewer, through a drain cover in the street. They had to be rescued by firefighters. Everyone was quacking up!

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