Let Poochie Get His Own Treat

Today is Pet Owners Independence Day. On this wacky holiday, people are supposed to switch places with their pets. You can lay around and get fed, while your pet goes to work or school, and scoops up your poop. Also, eat animal crackers, for Animal Crackers Day. Maybe your pets should eat people crackers!

Ducklings Fall Through the Quacks

A road near an English park, has lots of potholes, that fill with water. Momma ducks often take their ducklings to splash in the puddles. Last week, some tiny ducklings fell into the sewer, through a drain cover in the street. They had to be rescued by firefighters. Everyone was quacking up!

Bats Eat-o All the Mosquitoes

Bats are amazing creatures. One colony of Mexican Free-Tailed bats eats up to 30,000 pounds of insects each night, including lots of annoying mosquitoes! Other types of bats eat fruit, like the giant golden-crowned flying fox. It has a wingspan of 5 1/2 feet! Bats are also pollinators, like bees and butterflies. Happy International Bat Appreciation Day!

Don’t Get Pinched

Have you ever seen a crawdad? How about a crayfish? Mudbug, ditchbug, mountain lobster, and yabby, are some other names for crawfish. Whatever you call them, go to a creek for Crawfish Day, and see if you can find some along the banks. They live in the water, and look like tiny lobsters!

It’s Hard to Kick a Cheeseball

Cheeseballs taste like cheese.

But kickballs don’t taste like kick.

Blah blah blah blah blah.

How did you like my haiku poem? Write your own 3-line poem, using 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables, for Haiku Poetry Day. Today is also Blah Blah Blah Day, Cheeseball Day, and Kickball Day. Blab on and on about nothing!

Baskets of Blessings

Happy Easter! Today Christians celebrate the resurrection, when Jesus Christ rose from the dead almost 2000 years ago. New life and Spring are represented by Easter bunnies, and colored eggs! Passover is celebrated this week by Jews, a festival commemorating when the Israelites were freed from slavery more than 3000 years ago.

The Gift of a Lifetime

Do you know anyone who has donated blood? When someone in an accident loses lots of blood, hospitals use donated blood to save their life. Scientists found that donors also benefit, by reducing the amount of forever chemicals, known as PFAS, in their blood. Everybody wins! You can become a blood donor at 16.

Make Room for Elephants

Elephants are the largest land mammals in the world. Their skin is an inch thick, they can weigh over 12,000 pounds, and they eat 300-600 pounds of food a day, with around 220 pounds coming back out as poop. But elephants are hunted illegally for their tusks, and losing habitat. Learn more, for Save The Elephant Day.

Flowered Pajamas

For people who work from home, it will be easy to celebrate Wear Your Pajamas To Work Day. For everyone else, be bold, prepare to explain to everyone that you didn’t simply forget to get dressed this morning! It’s also Orchid Day. There are over 21,000 varieties of these flowering plants. Happy orchid hunting!

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