Guess What’s On My Pencil

Take a wild guess what day today is. It’s Take A Wild Guess Day! Are you trying to guess how many jelly beans are in a jar? That’s the perfect time for a wild guess! It’s also Rubber Eraser Day. Erasers made from vegetable gum, were first used in 1770, and attached to pencils in 1858.

How Many Periods Are Left?

A group in Alberta Canada, broke the record for the longest hockey game ever. They started March 31st, and played for 261 hours straight! Players took 6-8 hour shifts. The old record was 252 hours, although that game was a little harder. The temperature hit 58 degrees below 0, and the pucks kept shattering!

Can You Talk Like a Dolphin?

Let’s learn a bit about dolphins, for Dolphin Day! Dolphins are mammals. Even though they spend their life in water, they need to breathe air. They are very intelligent, have excellent eyesight and hearing, and can make a wide range of sounds. There are 40 different species of dolphin. The Amazon River dolphin is pink!

Gardening Is Grand

Get ready to play in the dirt, because it’s Gardening Day! Start an herb garden in a container, or plant your favorite vegetable seeds. Annuals are flowers that only last one season, so plant them now, and let them spread. Perennials come back every year, so clear out old leaves, and let them shine.

Reach for the Stars

Stretch your arms up into the air. Go on, stand up on your tippy-toes, and stretch higher. It’s Reach As High As You Can Day! Now go outside and study the clouds or the stars, because it’s Look Up At The Sky Day. Take time to notice the world, and reach for your dreams!

The City’s No Place For a Beaver

Police in Poland, spotted a confused beaver, wandering the streets of Krakow. They safely relocated the beaver outside the city, where he can find a stream and trees, to build a lodge. A century ago, Poland had only a few hundred beavers left, but the population has grown to 140,000. Hooray for beavers!

We Didn’t Mean to Throw That Away

23 years ago, Lisa Coolbaugh’s grandson found a diary from 19 38, in a bag of trash. Lisa recently posted about the diary, which had belonged to Donald Meeker, on Facebook. To her happy surprise, the owner’s daughter-in-law contacted her, and the family is now reunited with their Pop-Pop’s misplaced heirloom.

Heat Flows In, Heat Flows Out

There are 750,000,000 people who use solar cells for power. This gives them electricity during the day, but without battery storage, they’re left in the dark at night. Researchers have developed a new photovoltaic cell, that turns the heat leaking from Earth back into space, into energy. It’s like solar power, in reverse.

Biggest Comet Ever Detected

NASA has detected a humongous comet. Data from the Hubble Space Telescope, confirmed the comet’s nucleus is 50 times bigger than most known comets, at 85 miles wide. The comet, with the exciting name of C/2014 UN271, comes from the distant icy Oort Cloud. It’s been traveling towards the Sun, for over 1,000,000 years.

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