Colossal Ball of Cake

The TikTok team of Nick DiGiovanni and Lynn Davis, known as Lynja, set a world record. They created the biggest cake pop ever! The balls of a cake on a stick, are usually bite-sized, but Lynja’s cake pop weighed 97 pounds! It was on a 33-inch-long stick, and covered with 5 cups of sprinkles.

Power in the Air

The state of South Australia is making solar and wind power, do all the work. The last week of December, 100% of the energy used by its 1.7 million people, was generated by the wind and Sun. It’s summertime in the Southern Hemisphere, so the 110-degree temperatures, and windy desert air, were perfect conditions.

Yodel Dee Day Away

Yodel-oh-delay-he-who! It’s Yodel For Your Neighbor Day. I know you can yodel better than me, haha! Did you know, herders in the Swiss Alps used to call their animals in by yodeling. It was also used to communicate between villages, but you can start by yodeling hello, across the street.

Flying Cars Are Real

A car flying by you on the road, might really be flying. The AirCar looks like a sleek sports car, until its wings unfold. Then it can take off, and cruise at 8,000 feet. Once it lands, the wings fold back up, and it drives away. AirCar finally received its airworthiness certificate in Slovakia.

Leading the Way

Today is Seeing Eye Dog Day. They are dogs that are trained to lead blind and visually impaired humans. They help people around obstacles. Dogs are color blind, and can’t read street signs, so they still need to be assisted by their human. Never pet or distract a guide dog. They’re working!

Hooray for Iceworms

This week in Alaska, it’s the Cordova Iceworm Festival! Iceworms live in glaciers, and function best at temperatures below freezing. They’re only a few centimeters long, and move between the ice crystals. The festival’s mascot however, is 150 feet long! The festival includes learning about iceworms, games, the Miss Iceworm Coronation, dances, a parade, and fireworks.

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Today is Seed Swap Day! Many libraries have seed lending programs. You check out seeds, grow plants, and return some seeds the next year. You can learn more about seed trading, from a website like Dave’s Garden. Start planning your spring garden now, create a hydroponic garden inside your house, or grow a Chia Pet.

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