Can I Borrow a Spoon?

Abolfazl Saber Mokhtari, has an unusual talent. He can balance spoons, on his body. He’s been practicing since he was a kid, and his reward is a new world record. He balanced 85 spoons on his body at once. Surprisingly, none of them were balanced on his nose. I wonder why!

They’re All the Same Cookies

Brains are funny things. Researchers gave a group of adults cookies, that were all the same, but they had different labels. People thought the cookies labeled “New and Improved,” tasted best. The ones labeled “Factory Typical,” were fine, but the ones labeled “Consumer Complaint,” were described as bitter and stale. Descriptions make a difference.

Your Hair Looks Fabulous

National Big Wig Day was created, to inspire people to donate to the American Cancer Society’s “Look Good Feel Better” division. You can help by putting on a big crazy wig, having a virtual party, and getting people to donate 1 dollar or more, to a worthwhile charity. Remember, Kindness + Silliness = Fabulous!

Kazoos and Pancakes

Throw some blueberries in your pancake mix, because it’s Blueberry Pancake Day. After you finish breakfast, hum your favorite tunes, on an annoying instrument, to celebrate Kazoo Day! You can play it while you’re working, since it’s also Have Fun At Work Day. It won’t bother anyone else at all, haha-haha-ha!

A Day for Master Builders

In 1949, the first set of automatic binding bricks were produced in Denmark. You may know them better, as Legos! Today is International LEGO Day, so see what you can create. Did you know, there are over 4,000,000,000 LEGO minifigures in the world? The LEGO bricks sold in a single year, would circle the Earth 5 times!

Cooled Down in No Time

Going for a run can make you sweat, especially running a 26-mile marathon. But the Pole of Cold Marathon, in Siberia, makes sure it’s not too hot. The temperature was 63° below zero, setting a world record for the coldest marathon ever. Russian runner Vasily Lukin won the race, in 3 hours, 22 minutes.

Making Trash Useful

Sometimes recycling, means squishing trash together. ByFusion is a company, that makes Minecraft-like building blocks, by fusing non-recyclable plastics together. The large, colorful bricks, called Blockers, can then be used to build bus stops, fences, retaining walls, and more. The important thing is, the trash stays out of landfills. That’s great thinking!

Prepare For Impact

A piece of a SpaceX rocket, that was abandoned in space after finishing its mission 7 years ago, is going to crash into the Moon. The 4-ton chunk will make impact in March, traveling at 5,500 miles-per-hour. NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter will be able to see the impact crater, on the Moon’s far side.

Be Proud of Your Toilet

Isn’t it great, to have a toilet in the house? Although Thomas Crapper did not invent the toilet, he made indoor plumbing fashionable. His products were used by the British royal family, and his name was on the toilets. Celebrate Thomas Crapper Day, by cleaning your toilet, to make it your bathroom throne!

Geographic Cake

On January 27th 1888, a group was founded for “the increase and diffusion of geographical knowledge.” It’s National Geographic Day, so grab the magazine with the yellow border, and learn something about the world around you. You should celebrate their 134th birthday with a piece of chocolate cake, since it’s also Chocolate Cake Day! Yum!

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