Suspicious Kittens

A farmer in India found some abandoned kittens, and brought them in out of the cold. He was soon surprised to hear them growling instead of meowing, and realized they were actually leopard cubs! The Forest Department took the baby leopards to a rescue center, until they’re old enough to be safely released.

Give Someone Your Favorite Jokes

What do you like better, getting a present, or giving one? If you get more excited to give a special gift, you’re like 70% of Americans. Gifts don’t have to cost money. Instead, draw a picture, make a handprint painting, give a musical performance, or create coupons for free hugs or car washes!

Watch That Rock Whizzing By

Have you seen Comet Leonard yet? The Christmas comet is still visible through December, although it’s not as bright now. Look with a telescope or binoculars, to the left of Venus. It will look like a fuzzy green star with a tail, just above the horizon after twilight. Leonard won’t return for 80,000 years.

A Wise and Brave Teen

Today is Sacagawea Day. She was the daughter of a Native American Shoshone chief, who joined Lewis and Clark’s Corps of Discovery Expedition in 18-oh-5, to map a passage across the United States. 16-year-old Sacagawea taught them which plants were edible or medicinal, acted as a translator, and helped them cross the Rocky Mountains.

Sidewalk Singing

Warm up your vocal chords, because today is Go Caroling Day! Gather your friends and family on Zoom, and sing all your holiday favorites, or sing to your neighbors from the sidewalk. It’s also Games Day. Instead of playing video games, ask your parents what their favorite game is, and play it with them!

A Bridge to Nowhere is Missing

Be on the lookout if you’re in Akron Ohio. Police are on the hunt, for a stolen bridge. The 58-foot pedestrian bridge disappeared, after it was moved to a field temporarily, during a wetlands restoration project. Maybe someone thought it was trash, but the city would like their 40,000-dollar bridge back please!

Where Barges Go to Relax

During a storm in November, a shipping barge crashed into the seawall, in Vancouver Canada. The barge has been stranded on the beach ever since. As a holiday gift to the city, officials installed a sign, renaming the area, “Barge Chilling Beach.” Maybe word will get around, and more barges will show up!

Mysterious Cube on the Moon

A lunar rover, has spotted an odd object, on the Moon. The Chinese Yutu 2, focused on an unusual cube-shape in the distance, but it will take 2-3 months to reach it. It could be rock, pushed upward from an asteroid impact, or something left from previous human explorations. We’ll have to be patient!

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