Oatmeal Without the Bowl

You know what’s great, when you’re running late? Oatmeal muffins! It’s Oatmeal Muffin Day, so bake your breakfast into a tasty and convenient package. Add fruit, like bananas, raisins, or blueberries, if you want to make it even tastier. You could also add cinnamon, nuts, chocolate chips, or maybe even salsa!

Pine Sap Looks Like Butterscotch

Today is Hard Candy Day! Most hard candy is made by boiling sugar syrup, adding flavorings, then pouring it into molds to cool and harden. The first lemon and peppermint candies were prescribed for stomach ailments. It’s also Look For An Evergreen Day. Evergreen plants like pine trees, holly, and bamboo, stay green all year!

How On Earth Did You Get Up There?

A dog in Colorado, was a bit too adventurous. Jessie Lee’s humans had been searching for her for 2 weeks, when a hiker near Pike’s Peak, spotted her high on a ledge, 150 feet up a cliff. Animal Law Enforcement officers used rock climbing equipment, to scale the cliff and rescue the pooped poochie.

What An Interesting Hat!

Today is Wear A Plunger On Your Head Day, first celebrated by Vern Halsey, and his pet Komodo dragon, Felix. A plunger with a big rubber suction cup works best, especially if you’re bald! I suggest you buy a new one, since they’re only a buck at Dollar Tree. Used ones would be gross.

Who’s the Oldest?

Raise your hand, if you’re a twin. Today is especially for you and your sibling, because it’s National Twin Day. Identical twins look almost exactly alike, but fraternal twins can even be a boy and a girl. Twins are lucky, because they got to be roommates before they were born! High-five your twin!

I Bet You Have These Ingredients

Today is Bake Cookies Day! I’ll tell you my favorite recipe, for peanut butter cookies. Mix one cup of sugar, and one cup of peanut butter, with one egg. Press balls of dough with a fork, to make a criss-cross pattern. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, for 10 minutes. Don’t forget to save some for me!

Marauder’s Map for Cats

Do you ever feel like someone’s tracking you? It’s probably your cat. Scientists found that cats keep a mental watch, on where their human is at all times. If you show up unexpectedly in a place you shouldn’t be, according to their map, they get very confused. See if you can trick your cat.

I Want To Be the Mom Piece

A family in New Jersey invented a new board game during the pandemic, called “What’s Next?” The game is unusual, because it’s life-sized. You lay the squares on the floor, and move yourself around the board, after rolling a gigantic die. Each square has a different activity, like push-ups or acting like a chicken.

That String Has Legs

Millipede means thousand feet, but no millipedes had ever been found, with more than 750 feet. But a new millipede recently discovered in Australia, has 1,306 legs! The Eumillipes persephone is less than 4 inches long, and nearly 1 mm wide, with a cone-shaped head. It was found in a hole, 197 feet underground.

The Wright Stuff

Today is Wright Brothers Day. Orville and Wilbur Wright made the first flight in a mechanically propelled airplane, near Kitty Hawk North Carolina, in 1903. That flight only lasted 12 seconds, and went 120 feet. The wingspan of a 747 is longer than that! It’s also Maple Syrup Day. Boiled tree sap sure does taste delicious!

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