Long Wait for a Birthday on Pluto

Earth takes about 365 days, or one Earth year, to make 1 trip around the Sun. Mercury only takes 88 days, while a Martian year lasts 687 days. Pluto is so far away, that it hasn’t completed a trip around the Sun since it was first discovered, in 19 30! Pluto takes 248 Earth years, to orbit the Sun.

Dancing Burns Lots of Calories

Today is World Lindy Hop Day. The Lindy Hop is a dance from the 19 twenties. If you don’t know anyone that can teach you, look it up and try it! Eat some cheesecake while you dance, because it’s also Blueberry Cheesecake Day. Dessert while dancing sounds sweet.

Vampire-Shaped Airplanes

Break out your cape and plastic fangs, because today is Dracula Day! The famous vampire drank blood, but you can celebrate with fruit punch instead. It’s also Paper Airplane Day. Make a whole fleet of folded aircraft, and see which designs fly straightest, farthest, or loopiest. Find directions for different planes at Foldnfly.com!

Big Red Moon

Don’t forget to watch the Moon after midnight, as it will look bigger, brighter, and reddish in color. It’s a supermoon, meaning it’s at its closest distance to Earth, and there will also be a lunar eclipse. In California, the eclipse will be around 4 in the morning, but it’ll be around 9 at night in Australia.

Horse Stuck in the Tree

Firefighters often get called, to rescue cats from trees. But in England, firefighters had to help get a horse out of a tree! Eddie is a 28-year-old horse, who got wedged between the trunks of a group of trees. It must have looked like a shady spot to sit down, until he got trapped!

What an Action Shot!

Kevin Mahan is chief photographer for a TV station, so he’s always got his camera handy. He also has a video camera on his bike helmet. While he was riding his bike recently, he noticed birds overhead, before hearing the click of a hawk’s talons, as it tried to grab his helmet camera.

Flap Ball Change

Today is Tap Dance Day, but don’t worry if you don’t have tap shoes. You can make your own, using hot glue, and 20 pennies! Glue 6 pennies to the bottom of each shoe on the toe area, and another 4 to the heel. Let them dry for an hour, and you’ll be ready to tap!

Geeks Are the Greatest

A towel is the most important thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have, according to “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” Today is Towel Day! Don’t panic, just carry a towel. It’s also Geek Pride Day. For example, be proud of being a Star Wars geek who knows the name of every single character!

High School Memories

An antique hunter in Hawaii, found an old yearbook from 19 50, in a collection of items he purchased. He discovered a diploma taped to the inside cover, and decided to try and locate the owner. 89-year-old June Landgraf, was shocked to have her old yearbook returned to her! She’s happy to relive those old memories.

Dishwasher Actually Washes Dishes

Put down those dirty dishes! If you have a dishwasher, there’s no need to pre-wash them by hand. Pre-washing dishes could be wasting 6000 gallons of water per year in your household, as well as 10 days of time. Modern dishwashers will clean them. Really. Just scrape off the food scraps!

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