Fun With Fiddles

Do you play the fiddle, or the violin? They’re the same thing! When you play folk music, like Irish jigs or bluegrass, you call it a fiddle. Today is World Fiddle Day. If you’re a violinist, be sure to share your talent with the world, and play some fiddle tunes for everyone!

Get a Goth Harmonica

Today is Buy A Musical Instrument Day! Maybe you’ve been renting an instrument and you’re ready to own your own. Or maybe it would be fun to play the nose flute or the kazoo! It’s also World Goth Day. Celebrate goth music, fashion and art. Listen to Bauhaus, wear black, and play goth nose flute music!

Eliminate the Impossible

Do you love solving a good mystery? Sir Arthur Conan Doyle created the most famous detective of all, Sherlock Holmes. For Sherlock Holmes Day, read or watch a case that he solved. Then have a family mystery day, and take turns being Sherlock, his sidekick Dr. Watson, and the nefarious Professor Moriarty.

A Fuzzy Dozen

There’s been a baby boom at the North Carolina Zoo. In just 3 days, 3 litters of American red wolves were born. Only 15 to 20 red wolves remain in the wild, so the Zoo’s breeding program is helping to save them from extinction. The zoo will ask the public, to help them name the 12 new pups.

Big Hunk of Ice in the Ocean

A piece of the Ronne Ice Shelf in Antarctica broke off and is floating away. The ice chunk, named A76, is 105 miles long, and 15 miles wide, making it the biggest iceberg in the world right now. Since the Ronne Ice Shelf floats over water, the iceberg won’t change the sea level when it melts.

Survival of the Species

Every year, hundreds of species go extinct. Many are insects you’ve never heard of, but plenty of our favorite animals are vulnerable. Today, on National Endangered Species Day, learn about the importance of protecting animals and plants, that are in danger of disappearing forever. We all have to share this planet!

Tea and Pizza

Would you like a cup of tea? There are over 3000 different types of tea. It’s International Tea Day, so have a tea party, and try some new varieties. It’s also Bike To Work Day, and Pizza Party Day. If you’re a bike messenger, you can bike to work, to deliver pizzas on your bike.

Strawberry Patches

Did you get a rip in your jeans? A hole in your bike tire? Today is I Need A Patch For That Day. Patch everything right up! It’s also Strawberries And Cream Day. Fresh strawberries and whipped cream are delicious, but it’s also a flavor of candy, cream cheese, and even cinnamon rolls. Yummy!

No Lifeguard On Duty

A moose in Ontario didn’t know, the pools aren’t open yet. She jumped over a fence, and into someone’s backyard pool. The water, which was full of debris, had to be pumped out. Then the moose was tranquilized, and 10 people lifted her out. She’ll be released back to the wild after recovering.

Eraser at Both Ends

Have you ever tried to carve a pencil? M Manoj, a professor in India, carved an incredible chain of 212 links, out of 2 graphite pencils. He made a crack in one link, to connect them. He now holds the world record for most chain links carved from a pencil, but it’s impossible to write with.

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