Prehistoric Shark Population Never Recovered

Scientists recently discovered, that there used to be way more sharks on Earth 19,000,000 years ago. There were 10 times more sharks in the ocean than there are today, but they suddenly disappeared. It’s not clear what wiped out nearly 90% of all sharks, but it’s even more reason, to protect the sharks we still have left.

Cheers to Chimborazo

Today is Chimborazo Day, celebrating the volcano in Ecuador that is the tallest peak in the world. Sort of. Mount Everest might be the highest above sea level, but Chimborazo is the furthest from the center of the Earth, because our planet is an oblate spheroid: it bulges at the equator!

Is There An Echo In Here?

Today is Chimborazo Day, celebrating the volcano in Ecuador that is the tallest peak in the world. Oh, did I already say that? That’s because it’s Repeat Day! That’s because it’s Repeat Day! You can really annoy everyone by repeating everything you say, or you can just do things you’ve done before.

Get Pedaling

Today is World Bicycle Day. Riding a bicycle is healthy exercise, a clean mode of transportation, and fun! Wear your helmet for safety. If you don’t have a safe spot to ride your bike, you can celebrate Running Day instead. If you’re stuck inside, just run around in circles!

Juggling Balls on a Ball

In the last 5 years, David Rush has broken over 150 Guinness world records. He was at it again, this time on an exercise ball. The Idaho man juggled 3 balls, while standing on a Swiss ball. He set the record for fastest juggling, by completing 522 catches, in 1 minute! He’s got really fast hands.

Squirrel Rethinks Swimming

When Matt Myers was in his kayak on the Miramichi River in Canada, he noticed a commotion on the water. A red squirrel, was getting nipped by a bunch of fish! The spawning bass probably thought the squirrel was a female, laying eggs. Matt gave the squirrel a ride back to shore.

Rainbows of Love and Equality for All

June is Pride Month, celebrated by the LGBTQ+ community and their supporters. LGBTQ stands for lesbian-gay-bi-trans-queer, and the + represents all the other variations, because there are so many different kinds of people. Whether you’re a boy, girl, or in-between, no matter who you love, or how you dress, be proud to be you.

Run for Fun

Today is Running Day. Challenge your family to a race, go running with your dog, or jog in place. It’s great exercise! If your race interferes with someone’s job schedule, remind them that it’s also, Leave The Office Earlier Day. They should take the afternoon off, especially if they’re working from home.

Snakes Hate Fudge

It’s Rocky Road Day! Rocky road ice cream and fudge is made with marshmallows, nuts and chocolate. No rocks. Speaking of fudge, it’s also Yell “Fudge” At The Cobras In North America Day. Since everyone knows snakes hate fudge, it’ll make them slither away in disgust. Yell “fudge” at noon, with the whole continent!

Don’t Be Too Picky

The search is on, for a giant tortoise boyfriend for Fernanda. She’s a Fernandina Giant Tortoise, that was found in the Galapagos Islands. Scientists had thought the species was extinct for 112 years, but apparently Fernanda was just good at hiding. They hope a male is also still around, so the species can survive.

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