Cascatelli and Cheese

Spaghetti, macaroni, rotini, linguini, penne. Are you tired of the same old noodle shapes? Get ready for a new type of pasta, called cascatelli. The word is Italian, for little waterfalls, and that’s what the noodles look like. Picture a slide with ruffled sides, that holds onto tons of sauce. What a fun shape!

Chewy Fruity Chocolates

Raisinets have been around since 1927. Every hour, more than 1,000,000 of the chocolate-coated raisins are produced. How many do you think you could eat in an hour? Today is Chocolate Covered Raisin Day, so indulge yourself! You can pretend they’re a healthy snack. After all, they are full of fruit!

This Rock Looks Like A Woman

Do you ever pick up interesting rocks? 11-year-old Zvi Ben-David, in Israel, found a stone that was actually an ancient relic. It was a 2,500-year-old fertility amulet. The smooth stone statue, is less than 3 inches tall, and extremely rare. It was worn down over the centuries, so it’s lucky Zvi took a closer look!

You Never Nova What You Might Find

If you have a telescope, and live in the Northern Hemisphere, you can see a classical nova, where there was an explosion on the surface of a star. Astronomers have named it V1405 Cas, because it’s near the Cassiopeia constellation. Luckily, amateur astronomer Yuji Nakamura spotted the glow, which hadn’t been there 4 days earlier.

Chia Today, Hot Tamale

Today is Chia Day. Tiny chia seeds are full of nutrients, so you can add them to anything for a healthy boost. Plant them on clay shapes, and grow your own Chia-Pet! It’s also Tamale Day. Cornmeal dough, called masa, is stuffed with sweet or savory fillings, wrapped in leaves, and steamed. They’re delicious!

3 Dimensions are Better Than 1

Today is the 3rd day of the 3rd week of the 3rd month, which means it’s 3-D Day! Start by looking at vintage 3-D photos through a stereoscope. Then watch a movie with 3-D glasses, and use a Viewmaster to see 3-D slide shows. Finish by using a Virtual-Reality headset, and 3-D printer!

Share Your Chips With Puppies

Woof woof! Get ready for cuteness, because it’s Puppy Day! Hopefully all you people with puppies will take them for walks, to share them with the rest of us. We need to pet an adorable wiggly puppy! It’s also Chip And Dip Day. What’s your favorite combination? I like french fries in ice cream.

Giant Cherry on Top

When making a cherry pie, you might need 2 cups of cherries. That’s around 50-60 normal-sized cherries. A Sweet Staphany cherry in Italy, broke the record for the world’s heaviest cherry, after weighing .93 ounces. You’d only need 2 cherries, for a juicy pie! If you put one on an ice cream sundae, it would crush it.

Harvesting Plants and Energy

Scientists have been experimenting with greenhouses, and solar energy. They placed semi-transparent solar cells on the roof a greenhouse, to see how it affected the lettuce growing inside. They discovered the plants grew just as well, despite the solar panels filtering the sunlight. The panels even helped regulate the greenhouse temperature, while producing energy.

Help Some Old People Feel Young

Your parents or grandparents might look old to you, but they probably picture themselves as much younger. Today is As Young As You Feel Day, so invite your ancient relatives, to act like kids again. Play some soccer, go to the playground and swing, or have a dance party. They’ll be all smiles!

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