Really On a Roll

You’re never too old to accomplish something new. 96-year-old Sara Lyons, just scored her first-ever perfect game of bowling! The Pennsylvania woman bowled a 300, which means she got a strike every time, knocking down all 10 pins 10 times in a row. After nearly 70 years of bowling, she deserved a perfect game!

That Fire Smells Fowl

Firefighters in the UK spent 3 hours, fighting a flaming pile of poop. A 22-ton mound of chicken manure, had caught fire near Mendlesham. There are chemicals in poultry poo, that can cause spontaneous combustion if heat can’t escape. When a pile gets too big, it bursts into flames!

Stainless Steel is Old News

In the early 19th century, stainless steel was developed. It’s an iron and chromium alloy; the metals are combined to make a material that won’t rust. Archaeologists recently found a similar material, that was made nearly 1000 years ago! Stainless steel had been developed in the area that is now Iran, then forgotten for centuries.

Flaming Fruit, Exclamation Point

Today is an exciting day. It’s Punctuation Day! Try to write a story that uses all the punctuation marks, but use them correctly. Just because a word ends in “s”, doesn’t mean it needs an apostrophe! It’s also Cherries Jubilee Day, which is a fun dessert because the cherries are set on fire!

The Joy of Giving While Living

Chuck Feeney was incredibly successful in the duty-free shipping business, building up a wealth of $8,000,000,000. In 19 82, he started donating his money to universities, human rights groups, and many other projects. He lives simply, with 1 pair of shoes and no car. He’s finally reached his lifelong goal, at age 89. He gave away all his money!

Longer Nights Are Here

Did it seem like last night lasted longer? That’s because yesterday was the official first day of fall in the Northern Hemisphere. The autumnal equinox occurs when the sun is directly in line with the Earth’s equator. In the Southern Hemisphere, it was the vernal equinox: the first day of spring!

Set Sails for Cleaner Shipping

90% of the world’s merchandise, is transported by cargo ships. While ships are better for the environment than airplanes, they’re still big polluters. A new type of cargo ship called the OceanBird, would run entirely on windpower. New technology can measure the wind’s flow, nearly 1000 feet above deck, to sustain a speed of 10 knots.

Asteroid Just Passing By to Say “Hi”

This Thursday, an asteroid will visit our planet. The asteroid, named 2020 SW, will whiz by about 16,700 miles away. That’s closer than weather and TV satellites! The 14-foot-wide asteroid was discovered last week. It won’t hit Earth, and won’t be visible with the naked eye, but you can watch it online, at

Dogs Make Politics Cuter

It’s Dogs In Politics Day, originally called Checkers Day, after President Nixon’s dog. U.S. Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Senior, Clinton, Bush Junior, and Obama also had dogs in their First Families! Make your dog President for today, then have a family checkers tournament. Don’t cheat, because President Poochie won’t pardon you!

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