Records Are Works of Art

Did you know, it’s Record Store Day? Vinyl records lost popularity as cassettes & CDs took over, but they’re starting to make a comeback. In fact, there are lots of companies, that will press your own custom record. Immortalize your talents on vinyl, and maybe someone will buy it someday in a record store.

Virtual Animals and Incredible Humans

Today is World Circus Day. Many circuses have stopped using live animals in their acts, to take a stand against animal cruelty. Cirque du Soleil features theatrical humans, and Circus Roncalli uses holograms! 3D holographic elephants, horses, and even fish, are created with projectors, and are just as spectacular. They’re also cheaper to feed!

A Lofty Legume

Don’t diss your vegetables. It’s Lima Bean Respect Day, and those tiny packages hold protein, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. After finishing your lima beans, treat yourself to some unusual cake. It’s Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day. You line the pan with pineapple rings, so they’re on top when you remove the cake.

I’m Dressing Like a Cheddar Fry

Today is Look Alike Day. Dress like your brother, and blame it on him when you get caught swiping cookies. You can also slice apples, to make them look like french fries. Since it’s Cheddar Fries Day, melt some gooey cheese on top of actual french fries, for a delicious snack.

Axe Body Spray Calms the Flock

Lots of teenage boys, use Axe body spray, to smell good. Apparently, it can also be used, to calm down aggressive sheep. Farmers in England, say the body spray masks hormones, that cause rams to fight. It can also help convince mother sheep, to adopt abandoned lambs, since they identify their babies by smell.

Birds Don’t Need Outdoor Lights

Texas is along the migratory path, of nearly 2,000,000,000 birds. For the last 2 years, the Lights Out Texas program, has made spring and autumn migrations easier, just by asking communities to turn off the outdoor lights. Reducing the light reflections at night, keeps birds from getting confused and running into buildings.

Running With a New Best Friend

8 years ago, a gym coach in California, found a way to motivate his cross-country team, over the summer break. He paired each student, with a dog from the animal shelter, to go on a daily run. Other schools started similar programs, and many dogs have ended up being adopted by their student partner.

Is That a Dog or a Jackal?

Today is World Jackal Day. Would you recognize a jackal, if you saw one? They’re often mistaken for dogs, since they look like a cross between foxes and German shepherds. Different jackal species live in Africa, Europe, and Asia, with their packs. They are skilled hunters, but also clean up dead animals, preventing disease.

Time for Some Fresh Air

Today is Bicycle Day. Give your bike a tune-up, and go for a ride. Don’t forget your helmet! It’s also Garlic Day. Eat a loaf of garlic bread and celebrate your pungent breath! Then get some fresh air, by hanging clothes to dry on a clothesline. It’s Hanging Out Day!

Going Once, Going Twice, Sold

I’ve gotta cupcake for sale here who’ll give me 1 dollar 1-dolla 1 dolla 1 here now gimme 2 2 2 dolla-two SOLD! For $2! It’s Auctioneers Day! Talk like an auctioneer and sell something to your friends. I know your fast-talking auctioneer voice will be better than mine, ha ha.

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