Melon Mania

A bunch of people in Mississippi, broke a world record by eating watermelon together. At the 50th Watermelon Carnival, 754 people ate watermelon at the same time, smashing the previous record of 259 people. I wonder how many seeds they all spit out!


But How Does It Taste?

Wouldn’t it be great, to make food out of thin air? A Finnish company has nearly succeeded in doing just that! Solar Foods can make a protein powder using only CO2, water, vitamins, and renewable electricity. The technology was developed by NASA. Solein powder looks and tastes like wheat flour. Yummy.


Dollar Tree, Here I Come

Did you know, George Washington’s face wasn’t always on the 1 dollar bill? When the first U.S. dollar system was printed in 1862, the Secretary of Treasury, Salman P Chase, was on it. Celebrate Dollar Day by going to the Dollar Tree, where every item is a dollar! You can still buy a lot with 100 pennies!


K is for Kindergarten and Kindness

A group of kindergarteners in Florida designed a symbol for kindness, that has a heart surrounded by a circle of connected hands and arrows. The Kindness Symbol shows kindness all around, ongoing, never-ending, north/south/east/west, everywhere! It’s been adopted by some city councils. Now the kindergarteners hope it will become the National Kindness Symbol!


Trees Improve Your Health

Studies show that cities with more trees had psychologically healthier residents. Trees not only help air quality and cool air temperatures, they make people happier also! Researchers did not find the same effect with grass or other green spaces, so let your trees grow big and tall! You’ll make the animals happier too!


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