Space Cookies

Lots of important experiments take place at the International Space Station. One that will happen soon involves baking cookies! The Zero G Kitchen will use Nanoracks in their space oven, that will allow cookies to expand in all directions. Since gravity won’t be pulling them down on a tray, they’ll probably be spherical blobs!

How to Make an Invisible Diamond

A black material 10 times blacker than the blackest black, was created because of an artist at MIT. Diemut Strebe wanted to cover a 16-carat diamond, with carbon nanotubes. Diamonds and carbon are made from the same molecules, but arranged differently. The carbon-nanotube-coated gemstone absorbs all light, becoming a black void, even under a microscope!

We’re A Happy Family

Today is Family Day. Have a family game night, or at least gather everyone together for one meal! It’s also Dogs In Politics Day, originally called Checkers Day, after President Nixon’s dog. U.S. Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Senior, Clinton, Bush Junior, and Obama also had dogs in their First Families!

Summer’s Over

Pumpkin spice everything has been popping up for a few weeks now, but today is the official first day of fall in the Northern Hemisphere. The autumnal equinox occurs when the sun is directly in line with the Earth’s equator. In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the vernal equinox: the first day of spring!

Are You Still Hungry?

It’s Hobbit Day, in honor of Frodo and Bilbo Baggins’s birthday. Hobbits eat breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, and supper, so there’s plenty of time to celebrate White Chocolate Day and Ice Cream Cone Day.  Then draw some tiny sketches for your favorite 100-year-old, since it’s Doodle Day, and Centenarian Day!

A Big Day for Big Animals

Today is World Rhino Day, and Elephant Appreciation Day. Both animals are endangered. Poachers hunt rhinoceroses for their horns, and elephants for their tusks. Their habitats are also disappearing. The white rhino is the largest rhino species, averaging about 5000 pounds and 6 feet tall, while the largest African elephant was 13 feet tall and 24,000 pounds!

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