Bombs Away

A TV interview about the pigeon poop problem in Chicago, was perfectly illustrated when a pigeon pooped on the man being interviewed. A pigeon at the train station let loose, right on Representative Jaime Andrade’s head! Visitors get pooped on all the time, so if you visit the Irving Park Station, bring an umbrella!

Hello Old Friend

Today is Apple Dumpling Day! Peeled and cored apples filled with butter, cinnamon and sugar, are wrapped in dough. After they bake in the oven, they’re like balls of delicious apple pie! It’s also Locate An Old Friend Day. Ask your parents about your first playdate, then say hi to your oldest friend!


Great Balls of Fire

The American Meteorological Society received reports from people in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia, who saw a big fireball light up the sky Thursday night. A daytime fireball was seen the same day from Denmark, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands! September 12th was a popular day for meteorites!


Bat-Friendly Lighting

Worcestershire County in England is turning on the bat lights. Some types of bats won’t cross roads lit by white lights, which can affect their food supplies. A stretch of highway near the Warndon Wood Nature Preserve, will be lit by red LED lights, that don’t bother the bats. It’s a great compromise!



Today is National Play-Doh Day! The squishy dough started out as a wallpaper cleaner, but Joe McVicker made a colorful version for kids in 1956. It’s Guacamole Day also. Smash up an avocado with some salt for the easiest guacamole ever! Then go outside and find some cool rocks. It’s Collect Rocks Day!


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