What’s That Horrible Stench?

A plant named Rhea, is blooming at Eastern Connecticut State University. Rhea is a corpse flower that blooms once every 7 years, and smells like rotting flesh! The 8-foot tall flower only lasts 48 hours, and opens at night. Catch a glimpse of the Titan Arum, and marvel over the awful stench!

Alive in Memory

Today in Mexico, as well as many Latin American communities, is the celebration of Day of the Dead, or Día de los Muertos. People remember their loved ones who have died, with small altars holding flowers, candles, and some of their favorite things. Beautifully decorated sugar skulls, and parades, also honor deceased family members.

Eat Healthier Than Cookie Monster

In 19 69, Cookie Monster made his first appearance on the Sesame Street tv show. He’s been messily eating cookies, ever since. Today is Cookie Monster Day, so shove a cookie in your mouth. But since it’s also Eating Healthy Day, eat some fruits and vegetables first. Your body needs healthy food for fuel.

I See Circles

Today is Look For Circles Day. Start by looking at your eyes in the mirror. Your pupils are little circles, and your irises are bigger ones. Now search your house for circles, then find circles in nature. How many can you count? If you get stuck, just open a book and look for O’s!

8-Year-Old Climbs El Capitan

Rock climbers have to be really good, to conquer El Capitan. The rock formation in California’s Yosemite National Park, is extremely difficult to climb, but it was no match for 8-year-old Sam Baker. The second grader ascended 3000-feet, with the help of ropes, anchors, and his dad. Sam’s been climbing nearly his entire life.

That Must Be a Fantastic Album

Are you a fan, of Taylor Swift? Apparently, so is everyone else. Songs from the singer’s latest album, Midnights, hold all Top 10 spots on the Billboard Music chart. It’s the first time in history, that has ever happened. In fact, all 20 songs from Taylor Swift’s album, are now in the Top 100. Amazing!

Did You Know It’s Prime Meridian Day?

The Earth has imaginary lines marking longitude, that go up and down, and latitude, that go around. Every 15° longitude, is a meridian line, representing 1 hour of the Earth’s rotation. In 18 84, officials from 25 nations met, and decided 0° longitude, the Prime Meridian, would run through Greenwich England.

The Case of the Vinegar Calzonammon

Today is Calzone Day, Vinegar Day, and Cinnamon Day. Calzones are like pizzas folded in half, so the toppings are inside. But vinegar and cinnamon probably wouldn’t be very good fillings. It’s also Author’s Day, so reed a story by your favorite author. Maybe it’ll inspire you to write a story also!

Bake Some Vegan Doggie Treats

Today is Go Cook For Your Pets Day, so look up a healthy recipe for your little buddy. Continue being kind to animals by celebrating World Vegan Day, and the beginning of World Vegan Month. Vegans don’t eat meat or animal products. Have a dinner tonight that has no meat, fish, or dairy ingredients!

Scares for a Good Cause

Don’t worry about the gargantuan spider in Kieron King’s garden. It’s just part of the Halloween decorations in Kent England. Kieron goes all out for Halloween each year, to create a spooky experience. People visiting his annual displays started giving donations, so he now uses it to raise money for charity.

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