Exercise In Your Mind

Today is Train Your Brain Day. Everyone knows exercise helps to keep your body healthy, but brains need exercise too! Try doing sudoku or crossword puzzles, solving brainteasers, playing trivia games, or learning to say hello in every language. Your brain gets bored when you don’t use it. Entertain your brain!

More Like a Hill Lion

Iowa is not known for its mountains. The state’s highest peak is only 1,670 feet. But recently, people have reported seeing a mountain lion in Iowa. They rarely attack humans, so if you are lucky enough to spot one, take a picture and enjoy your wildlife encounter with a big cat.

Stop the Bullying

Today is Stop Bullying Day. Think really hard about yourself. Are you ever a bully? Bullying is more than beating someone up, or taking their lunch money. It can look like making fun of people, purposely leaving someone out, or saying things about someone online. Stick up for others, and don’t be a bully.

Learning to Save

What do you like to collect? You might save interesting rocks, Pokemon cards, Barbie dolls, or Lego sets. You’ve already learned the first step, for Savings Day! Decorate a can or box if you don’t already have a piggy bank, then start collecting spare change. Count it every month, and watch your savings grow!

Fun With Fossils

The US National Park Service is celebrating National Fossil Day today at many of their parks. Fossils are prehistoric plants or animals, petrified and preserved in stone. Paleontologists study fossils, like dinosaur bones! You can download a Junior Paleontologist Activity Booklet online, to help you celebrate. Do you have any fossils?

Lunch With Your Bear-ents

Today is Bring Your Teddy Bear To Work & School Day! Maybe your teddy will learn something new, and he’ll for sure make everyone smile! On your lunch break, be sure to eat with your parents, for Take Your Parents To Lunch Day. Your teddy bears can bring their parents too. Time for a picnic!

Octet of Octogenarians

A group of skydivers, took to the skies above Florida, to break a world record. They were the largest formation of skydivers, in their age group. The 8 skydivers were all over 80 years old! They’re in the Jumpers Over 80 Society, proving you’re never too old to jump out of a perfectly good airplane.

Fat Bear Finale

Tuesday is the last day of voting, for Katmai National Park’s Fat Bear Week. The final 2 contestants are 7 4 7, and 9-oh-1. 7 4 7 is a skilled angler, and enjoys sitting in the Brooks Falls jacuzzi section. 9-oh-1 is young female, who likes fishing in the Brooks River. Who will win?

Ancient Fires in Antarctica

Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth, but it wasn’t always that way. During the Cretaceous period, starting 100,000,000 years ago, it was filled with flowers, ferns, trees, and dinosaurs. Scientists are studying charcoal remnants, from a fire that raged through Antarctic forests 75,000,000 years ago. Volcanic activity may have started common wildfires.

Early Computing

Have you ever heard of Ada Lovelace? She was one of the first computer programmers. She and Charles Babbage, created an Analytical Engine, in 18 33. Ada’s “Sketch of the Analytical Engine, with Notes from the Translator,” was published in 18 42. 100 years later, it inspired Alan Turing’s work on the first modern computers. Happy Ada Lovelace Day!

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